Choosing a domestic companion
by Ruwini Jayawardana
Even with the hectic lifestyle we have today, many of us find at
least a moment to spare for pets. Most people tend to keep a family dog
or cat at home. Keeping birds and fish is also quite popular with those
who have a demanding occupation. Some prefer to keep small pets such as
rabbits, domestic mice, and hamsters while those who can offer space and
money, enjoy the company of large pets like horses and ponies.
Most popular pets are noted for their loyal or playful
characteristics, and for their attractive appearance. Pets generally
seem to provide their owners with non-trivial health benefits as keeping
pets has been shown to help remove stress. For instance people with high
blood-pressure have been advised to keep fish as pets.
A few animals are capable of adapting sufficiently to human
requirements and are said to be domesticated. Dogs are classical
examples of domesticated animals normally suited to being pets.
Dogs and cats are common pets, while animals such as reptiles are
typically considered exotic pets. A dog is a loyal companion, and can
easily trained, whereas a cat is more independent, and as such are not
generally trained in the way that dogs are. Both can be very intelligent
and can form incredibly strong bonds with humans.
A lot of satisfaction can be obtained from keeping pets, but with it
goes responsibility. When you choose a pet best suited for you, always
keep in mind that your pet is going to be sharing a part of your daily
life for some years.
Your pet will give you companionship and fun and in return you must
provide food, shelter, exercise, love, and medical care. It is essential
for you to choose your animal with care, being sure you can look after
it properly. Here are some facts to consider when choosing a companion:
* The breed\species\group of your pet
This choice should be taken to suit your needs and personality. If
you want a companion for a child, a Pom, a Labrador or even a Siamese
cat seems appropriate. If your need is a guardian for your property,
then a Doberman or a German Shepherd will do. The best thing is to
consult a vet and get advice as to what breed you should go for.
* The time you can spare
If your job is preoccupying and takes up most of our time, it is best
not to choose a pet that demands a lot of care. For example, an
energetic dog needs to be taken out for daily walks to get exercise or a
cat with a beautiful coat needs to be groomed constantly.
* The space you can provide
If your residence has limited room, go for pets of small sizes. Large
animals such as a pony or elephant is not compatible. For an environment
which lacks space, a small built dog such as a Toy Spaniel or some
goldfish in a ball seems appropriate.
* Affordability
Consider the thought of how much it would cost to house and feed the
pet you wish to buy. Certain breeds of animals need more veterinary care
than others and may be in need of certain vitamins. Thus, it is best to
ask advice and let the veterinary doctor do a check up of the animal
before making the purchase.
Pets can be great fun to keep. We can learn from them and they are a
gift of comfort in our grief. Pets are a part of our family. |