Counteracting Tiger propaganda internationally
by Sarath Wijesinghe
[email protected]
Civil war is a war in which a particular group of people within the
same culture, society, or nationality fight against each other with or
without legitimacy for the control of political power. This is a
reasonable and accepted definition recognized by the international
War on terror also known as war on terrorism was better known during
the campaign initiated by the USA and joined by other countries round
the world which includes various military, political, legal, religious
and personal actions taken to "CURB" spread of terrorism following the
9/11 attack.
War on terrorism was authorised by the United States Congress under
the authorisation of the USA military force against terrorism act passed
on September 2001.
Today the speeches and statements of some international politicians
on Sri Lanka reminds us of the story of a group of blind men trying to
identify the elephant by touching the organs of the animal, and make
expert comments on the shape.
Some make statements assuming expert knowledge on Sri Lankan Affairs.
Sri Lanka is always in news due to activism by LTTE front line
organisations worldwide. Sri Lanka has experienced civil war and
insurgencies previously.
Barak Obama, one of the candidates contesting for the party
candidacy, has stated that he can not understand the Sri Lankan issue as
"everyone involved in the conflict looks exactly the same" and the
problem in Lanka is a problem of "others" and not that of themselves.
Obama must be reminded that Loyalists and Protestants in the IRA
conflict were all alike - both being white men - yet they fought for the
religion and other political and semi political considerations. USA UK
and many western countries called them (IRA) terrorists until they laid
down arms and entered the democratic process.
Completely different
Hillary Clinton has compared Sri Lankan issue to the "Barque" issue
in Spain and the issue of Al-Bnar province which are completely
different to that of the Sri Lankan issue.
She was approached by LTTE fund raisers but due to the timely
intervention of efficient Foreign Minister and Secretary contributions
is understood to have been refunded. These statements show how "Hollow"
their knowledge on Sri Lankan affairs.
It is time to do some research or seed advice before preparing
important political speeches. We urge our Embassies and High Commissions
of foreign countries based in Sri Lanka to advice the respective
governments properly without being swayed by LTTE and frontline
The Sri Lankan dispute is in international news so much that many
speak on the subject authoritatively without knowing the actual and
realistic situation.
Many international documents, encyclolopedias and even academics
conveniently omit Terror situation in Sri Lanka when suppression of
terrorist attacks in Afginistan, Iraq, and similar conflicts are
categorised as war on terror. In Kosovo over 1,200, 000 Serbians are
trapped in the self proclaimed "Independent Kosovo" dependent on Serbia
and European Community and USA.
Joining the European Community is the third blunder made by British
-first being Vietnam War by USA and, secondly in Iraq and Kosovo issues
which are volcanoes about to be erupted. Today United Kingdom is full of
unwanted immigrants and members of the European Community living as
"parasites" to the British Society.
The doors for traditional Asian Educated and productive immigrants
are closed in place of economic migrants from Iraq, Somalia, Middle
Eastern and African immigrants who depend on income support and
government benefits instead of Asian Immigrants who were productive and
United Kingdom has given safe haven to terrorists including LTTE and
today as a result United Kingdom is in a difficult situation. London -
the HUB of international business centre has become the HUB of terrorist
organisations worldwide including the LTTE and its front organisations.
They promote Terrors of wars and civil wars in the UK soil causing
hardships to the British who are gentle and tolerant. Today the West
shows no mercy to terrorists and terrorism. Panorama on February 25 on
TV - channel one - gave harrowing accounts of treatment given to Iraqi
prisoners of war by UK and USA armies - call them any name, but the
treatment were barbaric.
According to Panorama many who entered the army premises did not
return, and bodies were tortured and mutulated. USA army in Afganistan
and Iraq were more brutal. On the contrast to the credit to Sri Lankan
Forces today Sri Lankan soldiers are exemplary and professional.
Metro - one of London's leading daily papers on February 27 says -
Sir Norman whose force covers the homes of 717 suicide bombers are under
strict surveillance to protect from "al - qaeda-wannebes" posing serious
threat to Britain.
Though the UK is a haven and a leader of Human Rights, the Prevention
of Terrorism act is ruthlessly implemented and ready to apply internment
if and when necessary.
Forces are free to search any body or property any time of the day
and take any precautionary measures in the interest of security.
Security has been given priority over all other considerations.
These days visiting foreign NGOs to Sri Lanka are regular and
frequent. They say they are concerned about the Human Right situation in
the country. They are also aware of the situation in Afganistana, Iraq
and war affected areas and the human right situations. They expect the
Government to maintain international standards and threaten to link aid
to human rights.
Human Rights convention
They little realise that Sri Lanka has ratified most of the human
right conventions and instruments and has one of the most effective and
successful mechanisms to promote human rights in the world.
Heidemaria Wieczarek-Z the German Economic Corporation minister
during her visit has made repeated remarks on the Human rights situation
and wanted us to decide on aid or peace threatening to withdraw GSP -
general system of preference where Sri Lanka was given lot of
concessions on taxes on exporters.
Mr Ban Ki Moon, Angela Kane, and Norwegian Minister on foreign
affairs have made some remarks which are worrying that there is no body
to monitor human rights in the absence of Norwegians.
They should be advised that we have the most effective human rights
machinery/mechanism to protect civilians with the help of the Human
Rights Commission and the world media is completely misguided and
misdirected by ferocious LTTE and front organisations all over the
Though British colonised us which was the order of the era, we
achieved and acquired a lot from them. Today we share their language,
system of Governance, Law, Culture and most areas in life in addition to
our own way of living. It is very sad that due to devious moves by these
so-called movements based in UK, Sri Lanka has had few misunderstandings
with some Western embassies/High Commissions.
With whom we had good and friendly relations running for hundreds of
years. Cross words and differences of opinions of His Excellencies of
USA and UK are unwarranted and unnecessary. Our international image
building has a direct ripple effect on the activism of terror groups
acting as sophisticated non governmental organisations.
United Nations too is a non governmental organisation consisting of
Governments/States of the world family. Unfortunately this too is
infested with high ranking NGO groups with ulterior motives to achieve
their ends. But the good news is that some NGOs tend to change their
International Crisis Group recently made a revolutionary remark as
follows: "The Government's desire to defect the Liberation of Tamil
Eelam and end the war definitively is understandable"... "Its Ceasefire
violations and abuses of the population under its control helped push
the government towards war against terrorism."
Frequent visits by important members of important organisations have
had direct impact on our economy and the liberation struggle. Our
liberation struggle is mainly to liberate our Tamil/Muslim and Sinhalese
brethren trapped in the North and East by LTTE.
The second phase is to liberate the entire country from terror for
every body to be free and peaceful. In North and East Sinhala is the
minority. In Colombo too Sinhala is the minority.
The majority in Colombo is Tamil and then Muslims. Tamils and Muslims
are the business "Giants" in Colombo and this is a factor accepted and
tolerated by the Sinhala minority in Colombo and the entire country.
Last to visit to Sri Lanka by a high flying is Ms Angela Kane, the
Assistant Secretary General of Public Affairs of the United Nations. The
timing and the purpose of her visit is somewhat unusual as many high
flying NGO leaders have made statements outside their purview.
Her mandate seems "to focus the relationship between the United
Nations country team working in Sri Lanka and the Government of Sri
Lanka so that the work of the United Nation agencies in Sri Lanka can be
more effective".
Previously another lady visitor almost demanded to set up a UN outlet
on human rights and an employee of a leading NGO attempted to invite UN
agencies without permission. Fortunately the Government was prompt not
to extend her visa which prevented an irreparable international
All these NGOs are using Sri Lanka as a soft target when gross
violations taking place in Iraq, Afganistan and many other countries are
not considered as important as Sri Lankan affairs. Braque they have left
alone as they are "OIL RICH" powerful and ferocious fighters.
We do not speak with one voice. Main political parties are divided
and selfish unlike in the United Kingdom where Labour, Conservative and
Liberals fought hand in hand against IRA terrorists.
Though "Good Friday Agreement" which ended IRA terror was arrived at
during Labour, next election Conservatives are heading to win the
general elections. This is a good lesson for Sri Lanka's main opposition
It is time the Nation is united in the resolution of the War on
Terror and offer equal protection and rights to all in a Unitary State
as devolution and international intervention has proved wrong in Kosovo.
We have to put up and live with realities. As United Nations too is a
Non Governmental organisation we cannot afford to have a head on battle
with them or any other established organisations. We have to be tactful,
hardworking and work with an aim and an agenda to win them over and
educate them. They think they are correct and mainly go by world media
reports which is LTTE infested.
They are established and world organisations give them facilities and
funds. If the government and the nation put the foot down, they will
change themselves. A classic example is the treatment and the attitude
of the President towards the NGOs. We have an abled Foreign Minister and
a Secretary with enormous experience and reputation on international
We are a respected and a senior member of the world community. We
have a strong, powerful and educated expatriate community. We have a
fearless abled and powerful leader with an international recognition
backed by an abled Defence Secretary and fearless heads of armed forces,
what is lacking is the commitment of our foreign embassies that still
act as traditional inert and inactive government departments.
The good news is that steps are being taken by the President and the
Minister of foreign affairs to revamp and overhaul the entire Foreign
Service to meet the modern challenges and vigorous and ferocious
propaganda by the LTTE and front line organisations.
We have almost won the war, it is time to give equal rights to all
communities and races and give protection, preservation and maintenance
of individual and collective human rights in Sri Lanka. With joint
efforts of all these forces, we will be able to eradicate the terrorists
and terrorism in whatever the name it is called by the International
Media. |