Zenith Marcom treads new ground
Branding, Marketing Communications and Advertising are disciplines
that involve diverse tasks, ranging from naming and developing a brand
to planning, evaluating and executing concepts and mediums to promote
Such have been some of the tasks of Zenith Marcom, a dynamic
Advertising and Marketing Agency in the country. A spin-off of Zenith
Advertising, it opened its doors five years ago, and continues to
flourish today under the guidance of Ms. Felicia Dean, a pioneer in the
local and international advertising industries. Zenith Marcom launched
brands such as Mobitel, Mc Foil, Pro-Life Batteries, E.B. Creasy
(three-wheeler) and Civaro.
Zenith Marcom's COO, Niranjan Dep Weerasinghe, has used his wide
experience in organisations across the world, to bring new disciplines
to the local advertising industry.
'Brandaid' is a new concept, which was introduced by the Zenith
Marcom team, led by its COO, He said he was inspired in developing this
concept, by the following passage: 'Today's marketing isn't simply a
business function. It is a philosophy, a way of thinking and a way of
structuring our business and our mind. Marketing is part of everyone's
job, from receptionist to the board of directors. Marketing's task is to
design a product/service combination that provides real value to
targeted customers, motivates purchase, and fulfils genuine customer
Weerasinghe said, "There is a need to address this kind of thinking,
because in today's customer context, each is entitled to their own
perspective of product value, a very democratic consumer culture whose
individualism needs to be treated individualistically." |