Ra-Blue impatient
Ra-Blue seemed impatient when Attana Baba's body was brought to the
House of Diyawanna. Eager to take centre stage, Ra-Blue was seen trying
to grab a handle of the casket even before the funeral undertakers made
the first move.
Smooth transaction
Remember we said that the Retired Big Lady was collecting signatures
from Attana Baba on some blank papers. The motive and the end result
would be known soon when the Big Lady and her family get the big wealth
at Hoora-Gola.
Power struggle
Life is becoming increasingly difficult for Atta-Leader at the
Elephant Party. The leader and his happy and gay club are making things
gloomy for Atta-Leader, who too has the backing of another group within
the party who are masterminding a plot against Ra-Blue.
Using Bell Boys
Sun Kind-Leader has told some Green stalwarts that they could never
regain power, unless they distance the Bell Boys from MR and his team.
Kind-Leader has now initiated a sinister campaign to use the Bell Boys
without their knowledge.
Rosmead Hotel
The Big Lady came out of her retirement and attended the Wok Meeting
of the Hand Party at TT Palace, presided over by MR. When she was about
to leave, Doc My-Van inquired whether she was going to have dinner at
the Rosmead Hotel, referring to her Mahagedara turned public restaurant
with high spirits.
Kind-Leader unhappy
Sun Kind-Leader ran towards his leader to make a complaint against
the Elephant Party Em Pees who had a meeting with Ka-Roo's reformists.
But a smiling Ra-Blue said he gave his consent for such a meeting.
Nevertheless, Kind-Leader was not happy with the outcome.