Present and past Ministers on media freedom...

This is a time where media freedom and independency have become the
key topics of all levels of the society. Hence, Face 2 Face this time
sought the independent views of past and the present Ministers of the
media. These are their views.
What is your point of view on 'independent media'?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
There are several meanings to it. In the Sri Lankan context I would say
that people do enjoy absolute right to find the truth.
I think that is media freedom. People receive information from the
State. controlled media as well as from the private media. There are
several privately owned media compared to few State media institutions.
Compared with other countries, we have an absolute media freedom.
Media and
Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa |
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz
Bakeer Markar
Pic by: Chinthaka Kumarasinghe |
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
There are many definitions. Media that would report the truth nothing
but the truth, being unbiased from any agenda or power can be identified
as independent. But in practical situations we may find such media -
neither in the world nor locally.
At times we see that some of the journalists when they become senior
they will be the greatest cause obstructing the path of new comers.
Where the rights of the journalists in both electronic and print media
do not get crushed by the powers of the authorities and where the trust
the readers' or the viewers' have placed on media is not destroyed,
independent media would exist, in my opinion.
What is your impression of the current situation in the media
field in our country?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
Actually the media is expanding. Many youngsters are joining in. We see
number of radio stations, TV stations, newspapers and websites emerging.
So now we have everything in our country. It is moving forward. We
see new people and new talents in many of these institutions. Along with
all these, the technology is getting up-dated. And on the other hand,
media can write, express and criticise anything and everything. We have
only cautioned them on their responsibility.
We are still facing a more than twenty five years of civil
conflict.In this backdrop taking the responsibility of deciding on what
should be reported, is essential. We are not talking about anything else
but responsibility.
The freedom is there. Even the USA has secrecy laws where no one can
divulge these information until they are released by the Authorities -
it may take even 20 or 30 years. The best example is the trial reports
on John F. Kennedy's assassination, which was released very recently. We
do not have such laws or regulations, barring the media from reporting.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
Comparatively it is challenging. In one side the existing war situation
affects. Abductions, taking ransom money etc may take place as a result.
On the other hand there are extreme racist ideas that go against the
'one Sri Lankan nation' concept. This is the tragedy. Thirdly, I think,
interference of politics with narrow minded ideas affects. And, I see
that media blindly refers to certain news coming from international
media without trying to identify the agenda behind.
We need to be broader minded and wise before presenting it to the
public. And the conflicts that arise as a result of the clashes between
the Government and certain media make the media environment challenging.
Parties concerned must take steps to bring such situations under
control. And it is an urgent requirement.
During the time when I held the ministerial position we made an
environment where the professionals of the field created a self imposed
censorship without any sort of interferences and removed the line that
governed media under criminal law. But I do not dispute the fact that
the media freedom needs to exercise a sense of responsibility. It is
It is widely believed that media could contribute a great deal
towards the development process of a country, if used positively. Where
would you place the media in this development process of the country?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
Media plays a very important role in the development of a country.
It can act to motivate the people towards the development goals.
Media can build up constructive criticism on development issues on par
with the motivation. Yes definitely media can play a major role in the
development process. Motivating people towards the development process
is very much important. All should be for the benefit of the people.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
In the development process media has high priority. It does not mean
that media should be used for propaganda.
Media should build up constructive criticism paying attention to
problems we face in a country such as poverty, education, bribery and
corruption etc. We need direct and brave criticism from the media.
To get a positive contribution media should be used not merely as a
propaganda tool but one that motivates people towards development and
that can also criticise when necessary. Motivating people towards the
development process is equally important. All should be for the
betterment of the people.
Though media in its ideal state should give priority to reveal the
truth, in reality it is not so. What is being carried to the public is
the mere voice of those so called (media) ownership. What is your
comment on this?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
Though we disagree or agree with this fact it is the reality. It happens
even in the global arena. This is evident by the information we receive
on different perspectives.
It is clear that at certain points these strong international media
report according to the agenda(s) of powerful sources. Emerge of Al
Jazeera channel is a consequence of this trend. It emerged to challenge
the international media that was carrying the agendas of those powerful
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
Yes, we have seen certain instances where the media acts according to
the owner's agenda. Even globally it is the same. If we logically
analyze the news that spread throughout the world are created by sources
with political or other agendas.
I can not see that Sri Lanka is separated from this trend. But let us
not forget that in our small country there are owners who never ever
look at the page proofs. This is very important.
This refers to both Government and Private media. Yet even with these
tight limitations there are true senior journalists, both in print and
electronic media, who keep their heads up and carry on with their work
unbiased. I respect them and have high regards. They protect the self
esteem of all the journalists.
How do you think the media should behave to bring about a positive
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
They must take the responsibility of carrying a perfect message to
the people. I think finding the exact source is important. The message
should not be distorted.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar: I
am a degree holder on Media, yet I do not think I am at an advisory
position. Let the professionals decide on these matters. A journalist's
behaviour should always be independent. I strongly believe in that. I am
saying this with my experience I got during my ministerial post in the
media field.
Do you think journalists can be super heroes?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
Yes definitely. But it should be purely on a professional manner.
The Journalists should act without malice or ill will. It is their
responsibility to do so.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
Definitely yes. And there have been such instances in the past. But most
importantly their revelation should be solely for the betterment of the
If this is met with strong determination then yes super heroes can be
created. Such journalists should not be discouraged due to the obstacles
they will encounter on their way.
In the name of free media, do you think it is ethical for a
journalist to divulge very sensitive issues affecting national security?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
No. We, as a country, are in a unique position in that way. We were
facing a Guerilla war for over two decades. We need to make sure that
all citizens are living in a free and fair society and find venues where
democracy flourishes.
It is legitimate on our part to protect the country and make sure
that it continues to be one country. This is what the military is doing
at the moment. Journalists must take the responsibility not to report
issues or divulge information that would benefit the terrorists.
Such a move will affect the democratic traditions of our country. It
is important as the society should not suffer because of these reports.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar: I
do not agree if someone's revelations badly affect the national
security. It is disloyalty towards the motherland.
That can not be accepted. But what is important is who decides that
certain issues affect the national security. Such decisions should not
be taken to achieve political and personal goals. It should be
What comes first - media freedom or national security?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
To preserve media freedom, protecting national security has to be taken
very seriously. Why did the USA restrict certain web search engines that
were showing their military strategic points?
So there are restrictions and no doubt about it. Media freedom is
governed by certain principles. The moment these principles are
violated, media freedom will not survive.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar:
It is something like trying to decide whether the hen or the egg came
first. I think both go parallel.
Responsible reporting can never harm the national security. Both are
essential for the betterment of the nation.
How do you foresee the future in media of our country?
Media and Mass-communication Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa:
As I visualize many television stations will amalgamate. I feel we will
have three to four TV stations in the future. Because in reality
organizations can not run without profit.
With the advancement of technology, in future information will reach
and individual through the PC and the mobile phones . As I visualize
along with the current trends the entire media business will change in
the future.
Former Minister of Mass Communication Imthiaz Bakeer Markar: I
believe there is no turn back in this journey the media field has come
so far, both technically and professionally. There will be never ending
threats and challenges in the future. Yet, the field will not turn back.
That is for sure. This is the trend in the world as well. We saw that
when certain international media embraces narrow minded goals and agenda
of powerful sources, institutes like Al jazeera emerged.
It challenged the powerful sources who are in the struggles for
power, money etc. The field will definitely grow forward successfully
facing any challenge that will come across. |