Caring for your face
Samantha Gunasekera of Saloon Moods,
Dematagoda describes...
Identify your facial skin
Dry skin

After washing your face with soap or cleanser if your finger feels
the following sensations you have a dry skin:
You feel as if you are wearing a mask or your face is covered with
Musty appearance of on cheeks, nose, around the mouth.
A deep dry skin can easily be identified by its arid and parched
Oily skin
Take a tissue and wipe your forehead, nose, chin, around eye area and
cheeks each places from different areas of the tissue.
If oily patches are seen on the tissue, you have an oily skin.
Also if the face is oily it gives a shinning appearance even after
wiping face.
Face with full of pimples filled with fuss can also be identified as
an oily skin.
Normal skin
l Doesn't look oily or dry
lAfter cleansing the face appears smoother and clearer.
lLess problematic
The best skin type
Undoubtedly the best and the trouble free skin type is normal skin.
Oily skin has a lot of pores compared to
other skin types, therefore it causes lot of damages to skin because it
allows dirt to go inside and fuss to come out through pores which cause
black heads, white heads and pimples.
Should you always seek help from a beautician to identify skin?
Not necessarily. You can identify your skin type on your own simply
applying methods mentioned above. Once you have identified your skin
type you can purchase beauty products that suit your skin. Be careful to
choose products which are suitable for your skin type. Never use a
product which is manufactured for oily skin if you have a dry skin. It
will further worsen the condition of your skin.
Another mistake many Sri Lankans do is that they are used to utilise
products suitable for some other person's skin type. It is not advisable
for you to use someone else's product such as if you use your sister's
moisturising or cleanser you should cease to use it and get a one which
suits your skin. Otherwise it will cause unnecessary problems.
Cleansing your skin
How many times a day?
It depends on whether you stay at home or go outdoor. If you stay at
home cleansing your skin three times a day is sufficient because your
face is not exposed to sunlight or dust. And when you wash your face, it
is better to use a cleanser rather than soap. I would like to advise you
not to wash your face if you are exposed to dirt or other harmful
sources. When you wash your face the pores are opened so that any dirt
can go inside your skin. If you have a toner or any other cream
available with you to apply after that, there will be no problem.
Because the open pores are closed by toner and it give your skin
Specially remember to remove all make up and wash your face with a
cleanser before you go to bed. Avoid applying creams on the face at
nighttime because it will hinder the respiration of facial cells.
- Panchamee |