Shantha Madurawe elected President
Shantha Madurawe has been elected as the President of the Old Boys’
Union of Dharmaraja College, Kandy at the Annual General Meeting was
held at the college auditorium last Sunday.
Prior to his election as President he was the Secretary and the Vice
President of the Union.
Madurawe who has been recognised as the best scout produced so far at
the 1st Kandy Dharmaraja Scout Group, which was formed 95 years ago in
1913, is presently the National Training Commissioner of Sri Lanka Scout
Madurawe who joined the World Scout Movement at Dharmaraja College,
Kandy in 1967 as a cub scout, was selected as a ‘President Scout’ in
1975, the highest award a scout could obtain from the world scouting
body, and in the same year Dharmaraja College recognised him as the
‘Best Scout’ for which he won an award.
Madurawe is one of the founder members of the Old Rajans Scout
Association which is Sri Lanka’s first old scouts’ association which was
formed in 1978. From 1992 to 2002 he served as Scout Headquarters
Commissioner and in 2002 he was appointed District Scout Commissioner of
the Kandy District.
He served as Assistant Chief Commissioner (Development) from 2004 to
2006 and International Scout Commissioner in Sri Lanka for 2006-2007. He
has travelled to over twenty five countries to attend scout gatherings
and training programmes during this period.
Darshani attends Dubai confab
Ms. Darshani Samanthika Premaratne, a fourth year medical student of
the Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura
represented the University and the country at the International Student
Conference, Women As Global Leaders (WAGL), 2008 at Madinat Jumeirah,
Dubai, U.A.E. recently.
During the confab, she was appointed as one of the members of the
International Student Committee - (ISC) of the Conference which
comprised of 18 members from U.A.E., Italy, Colombia, Sri Lanka,
Uzbekistan, Malaysia, Canada, the U.K., and the U.S.A.
Dr. Murugananthan to be feted
Dr. M. K. Murugananthan, a prolific writer, Tamil scholar and a
medical practitioner who turned 60 years to be felicitated by the
literary circle at a function to be held at the Women’s Educational
Research Centre, Dharmarama, Road, Wellawatte, olombo 6 today, April 6
at 4.30 p.m., presided over by Prof. S. Sivayogan.
Dr. Murugananthan who hails from Viyaparimoolai, in Point Pedro,
received his education at Point Pedro Hartley College and entered the
Medical Faculty of Colombo and passed out and practised at Badulla and
Manthikai Base Hospital, Point Pedro, before going in for private
practice. Dr. Murugananthan is an author of 11 books on medicine in
Tamil language and literature.
Dr. Kapila Jayaratne off to UK on fellowship
Dr. Kapila Jayaratne, Senior Registrar in Community Medicine of the
Family Health Bureau, Ministry of Healthcare and Nutrition, has been
awarded the prestigious Donald Court Visiting Fellowship by the Royal
College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), United Kingdom. |