Betrayal of our community not my forte - Hisbullah

The forthcoming elections to the Eastern Provincial Council (EPC)
have turned into a political ‘tussle’ with the dramatic moves by the Sri
Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) heavyweights with its leader Rauf Hakeem
turning more ‘green’ and the former Deputy Minister and member of the
high command of the SLMC, M.L.A.M. Hisbullah turning ‘blue’.
Accusing each other for betraying the Muslim community both are
eyeing for the Chief Ministerial post. In an interview with the ‘Sunday
Observer’ Hisbullah said that the SLMC Leader was in an election ‘ploy’
for self centred political gains and the three communities, especially
the Muslims, should not be fallen prey into this trap.
Hisbullah, who had started the election campaign from his hometown
Kattankudy yesterday requested the people of the East to join hands with
the UPFA despite ethnicity to win the election. He said that this would
be a good opportunity to develop the East, which has heavily suffered
for the last 25 years due to the LTTE terrorism and also the tsunami
“A large amount of funds has been allocated to the Eastern
development. It is the high time to work together for a common goal. My
request is to vote for the UPFA which is the party could lead a success
development drive in the East”, he said.
Following are the excerpts of the interview:
Q: You have said that it was only by joining the government,
Muslims of the East could aspire to have a Chief Minister. How is it
possible when the Muslims are divided?
A: Yes. After liberating the East from the grip of the LTTE
terrorism, people have faith in the President Rajapaksa and his
government. So, only the UPFA can secure over 78 percent of the power in
the EPC. Since the Eastern victory the TMVP too has a good base in the
EPC, they together can field the majority of votes in the EPC.
The UNP does not have a good base there and it can secure a maximum
of two or three seats. So the Muslims cannot achieve their targets by
joining the UNP. After I joined the UPFA, the SLMC can win only five
seats. The UNP-SLMC coalition can get a maximum of eight seats. I think
joining with the UNP is a losing battle. Insha Allah! I am 100 percent
confident we will win.
Q: You were with the SLMC Leader Rauf Hakeem until very
recently. How can you call him as a traitor overnight?
A: He betrayed the Muslims and has gone against the wish of
the Muslims. He thinks only about him and he wants to fulfil his own
agendas. Hakeem wants to satisfy the leadership of the UNP.
Before I join the UPFA he told me that the SLMC needs to help the UNP
as it is very weak in the EPC. He said that the UNP can win three seats
and the outcome would badly reflect in the future elections. So Hakeem
wanted to protect the UNP. He has his own agendas and he did not think
about the Muslims. That is why I call him as a traitor.
Q: How confident are you that you could fulfil the aspirations
of the former SLMC Leader who wanted a Muslim to be the Chief Minister
in the Eastern Province?
A: Insha Allah, I will win and would be able to make the dream
of our late leader M. H. M. Ashraff, a reality.
Q: Why do you think that Mr. Hakeem rejected the invitation of
the government to jointly contest the EPC polls?
A: It is basically due to his power hunger. He wants to remain
as the SLMC leader for ever. His advisers have told him not to allow any
Muslim from the East to become the Chief Minister as it will be a threat
to his leadership.
That is why he joined the UNP to divide Muslims into segments. But we
know his aspirations well.
Q: If he is not genuine why did he sacrifice his Parliamentary
seat?. How do you see this?
A: This is an utter joke! Simply he wants to mislead Muslims
to get sympathy to achieve his targets. The two National List vacancies
have not yet filled.
He does not want to fill these two vacancies until the election
Because after the election he will be re-appointed to the Parliament
from the SLMC National List. So he has cheated the whole Muslim
community now.
Hakeem was elected from Kandy district at the beginning and was
defeated later. Then he was the MP for Ampara and also lost the seat.
Now he tries his luck from Trincomalee. But the Muslim community know
the reality and I strongly believe that he cannot fool them now. And we
think Muslims in the EP will not be trapped in his net any more.
Q: The TMVP is adamant that a Tamil should become a chief
minister of EPC. In this context how confident are you that a Muslim
would be selected to that post?
A: No, this is not possible. According to my information no
political party has been given the guarantee of the Chief Ministerial
post. The President will decide to whom this post should be offered
after the election. Whichever party that gets more seats will be
considered as the most suitable for this post. No one can keep hopes
about the post now.
Q: Are you going to remain in the UPFA government in future or
it is only for the EPC?
A: I am a strong SLMCer. I will remain in the SLMC for ever
and will contest the election under the UPFA. No idea to cross over to
the UPFA.
Q: Are you fully confident that you will become the Chief
Minister of the EPC?
A: Insha Alllah, I am fully confident that I will become the
Chief Minister of the EPC and I try my best to fulfil the aspirations of
the majority of Muslims in the country as well as in the East.
Q: How do you cooperate with the TMVP which is still armed?
A: The TMVP agreed to not to use weapons. A calm environment
is prevailing here. The situation is improving. We can not see TMVP
carders carrying arms.
Let’s hope for the best.
Q: If you become the Chief Minister how do you disarm the
Pillaiyan Group?
A: I will never allow any group to be armed in my Province
other than the groups which are officially entitled to be armed. If the
TMVP carry arms they have to lay down them. The security of the Province
is strengthened and no political party needs to carry arms here.
Q: If you are not appointed as the Chief Minister what will be
your political future?
A: If so, I will be with the government and commence my work
for the betterment of the Muslims. And I will also help the government
in its development process in the Eastern province. I also wish to help
the Chief Minister who ever appointed from which ever party, to achieve
his targets to serve the people of my Province.
Q: Majority of Muslims do not have faith in the SLMC now as
the party hierarchy is always playing musical chairs to grab power. What
is your comment?
A: I think Muslims’ only desire is to have a Muslim Chief
Minister for the Eastern Province. Though the Leader took a different
move at the last minute breaching the trust reposed in him still the
people continue to have the trust in us. They wanted us to join the UPFA
as this is the only Alliance that Muslims can keep hopes for winning the
Post. No other party can achieve this.
Q: Don’t you think in this ‘game’ for power has badly affected
the future of the SLMC?
A: Yes. What has really happened was we have decided to
capture power in the East. There are nine Chief Ministers in the country
and seven belong to the Sinhalese community and one will go for the
Tamils in the North.
The only province that the Muslims have their majority is the Eastern
province and we want a Muslim to be the Chief Minister. There are over
41.7% Muslims in the Eastern province where there are only 39.9% Tamils.
So everybody in our Muslim circle have decided to capture power at
this election. Even last Friday at the Mosque, a large crowd of over
6,000 Muslims appreciated my willingness to join the UPFA. And they
wanted to teach a lesson to Hakeem. Now what Hakeem says is that his
intention is not to become the Chief Minister but to defeat Hisbullah.
Do you think that in this situation Muslims will accept his wish. No. He
has misled the whole Muslim community.
Q: Did you join the UPFA following a request by the prominent
Muslim leaders or this is solely a decision of yours?
A: No this is not only my decision but the decision by the
prominent religious leaders and intellectuals. Especially, the ULAMA,
the group which represents the prominent Muslim religious leaders
gathered in Colombo discussed the matter and finally they requested me
to contest for the Chief Ministerial post to capture power in the East.
So this is not only my decision. I accepted the invitation because it
was the request of the ULAMA.
Q: Earlier the SLMC rejected the 13th Amendment. What is your
stance now?
A: No, it is wrong. The SLMC never objected the power sharing
under the 13 the Amendment. What our late leader suggested was to seek a
permanent solution to the on-going crisis through merging the North and
East. And under that situation we asked a separate unit within the North
and East for the Muslim community. That was our original plan.
Q: Do you still want a separate unit for Muslims?
A: Yes. The SLMC has not changed our desire and still we
remain in the same stance.
Q: Are you satisfied with the performances of the Mahinda
Rajapaksa government in dealing with issues of the Muslims and also
development of the Eastern region?
A: Yes, We are generally satisfied with the government in its
attempt to solve the problems of the Muslims. But there are some land
disputes in Ampara district.
There Muslims are not happy with the government because on the
instruction of the Minister of Environment, Champika Ranawake their
lands have been acquired by the government under the Forest Ordinance.
I have raised this issue with the President Rajapaksa and he agreed
to settle some of these issues. So we are hopefully waiting for a
positive response from the government. But I do not think these issues
can be solved if we join the UNP.
Q: Do you think that the SLMC Leader has betrayed the Muslims
right to self-determination?
A: Yes, very much. As I mentioned earlier he has betrayed the
Muslims solely for his personal dealings with the UNP. That has been
Q: You said that the Muslims can achieve their target under
the UPFA but not with the UNP. Do not you think that the UNP will come
to power in future?
A: I am not talking about the elections after the EPC. If the
UNP contests alone they would get only two seats, Ampara and Trincomalee.
Their poor performances at the election would affect the future of
the UNP badly. That is why the Opposition Leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe
had pleaded Hakeem to help him by contesting under the UNP. After
accepting the invitation, Hakeem said that he wanted to save the UNP’s
Q: The SLMC had several discussions with the Muslim Ministers
to form a Muslim Alliance. Why did you fail?
A: Yes, the SLMC had several rounds of talks with the United
Muslim Association (UMA), which is the intellectual body of the Muslims
and the ULAMA about the issues.
These two bodies invited all the Muslim Ministers and eminent Muslim
personalities and announced that all Muslim political parties should
contest under the government. There Hakeem said that it was not possible
as he crossed over to the opposition few months ago and he could not go
back to the government.
They accepted his problem. Then they suggested us to form an Alliance
and contest under one symbol. But objecting to their proposal he said
that he was not willing to contest under any other symbol than the
SLMC’s. He opposed the proposal continuously and insisted that the SLMC
should contest under the SLMC symbol.
Here, it is obvious why he refused all those proposals to join the
government. He was in another mission and only known to him, how he
accepted the invitation of the Opposition Leader. He agreed to give up
the issue of party symbol when it was asked by the UNP.
Finally he has agreed to contest under the UNP’s symbol. The two
prominent Muslim bodies which were angry over his behaviour had
discussed themselves and finally requested me to contest under UPFA. I
accepted to contest the EPC under a common platform.
Minister Ameer Ali said that the resignation drama staged by Rauff
Hakeem and the other two members of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress will
not have any impact on the provincial council election.
He said that United Peoples Freedom Alliance would win convincingly
despite the unconvincing drama staged by the SLMC leadership. He
cautioned the Muslims and Tamils not to fall headlong into the traps of
the UNP-SLMC combine, who might arouse racial tensions for political
Ameer Ali, Minister of Disaster Relief Services said that they
earlier invited Sri Lanka Muslim Congress to come forward to contest
jointly with all the other Muslim groups and parties together under a
common platform. A meeting was organized by the Muslim Ministers, ULAMAS
(religious leaders), scholars and other eminent persons from the Muslim
“When Muslim politicians and religious leaders held a meeting with
the SLMC leader and party members to unite all Muslim parties under one
umbrella, Rauff Hakeem said that the SLMC would contest only under its
‘Tree symbol’”.
Hakeem also rejected the Government’s invitation to the SLMC to
contest jointly with the Government. “He insisted on contesting under
the ‘Tree’ symbol. The SLMC leader had since decided to forge an
alliance with the UNP to contest under the Elephant symbol after the
latter refused to contest under his ‘Tree’ symbol.
Rauff Hakeem joining the UNP and abandoning the SLMC’s ‘Tree’ symbol
does not augur well for them, warned Ameer Ali.
He warned that as an election ploy, stirring-up of racial tension for
the sake of self-centered political gains might be the trick up in their
sleeves to win the Muslim votes. Ameer Ali added that Muslims and Tamils
should be on the watch out and should not fall into the trap of rabble
rousers who are planning to stir Tamil-Muslim tension to win the
Provincial Council elections.
* People of the East have faith in President Rajapaksa and his
* The UPFA has a powerful base in the East.
* A Muslim can be appointed as the Chief Minister only by joining the
* SLMC Leader betrayed the Muslims.
* His intention is to save the UNP.
* Hakeem thinks a Muslim leader from the Eastern province is a threat
to the SLMC Leadership.
* Sacrificing Parliamentary seats is an utter joke.
* They will be re-appointed from the National List.
* The ‘power struggle’ has weakened the faith towards the SLMC.
* The SLMC still wants a separate unit within the East for Muslims. |