World’s tallest cake
by Panchamee Hewavissenti

Orancy Siriwardene
Truly Sri Lankans are very keen in exploring the unknown and bring
unique things into light. We Sri Lankans can truly be proud that a cake
decorator is going to bring a global recognition to Sri Lanka by making
the tallest ever cake in the world.
Orancy Siriwardene, with an innate creativity counts over 30 years
experience in the field. She has made a 22ft tall cake with 100,000
icing flowers which is to be acknowledged as the world’s tallest cake
ever made.
The cake will be displayed at the Art Gallery from May 30 to July 1
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. with other exclusive decorations including a horse
Orancy is a product of St. Paul’s Girls’ School, Kelaniya and had
entered the field of cake decorating during her school days itself. She
recollects how she took the first step in cake making.
“After I have finished my schooling one of my friends asked me to
join a `cake class’. Without giving a second thought I joined in shaping
my ability with the encouragement of my sister. Indrani Chandraratne was
my first teacher and then I learned under Mallika Joseph where every
year I received awards for unique and exclusive cake decorations”.
She has won many awards in the trade such as `Vendol most illustrated
ladyship award’, Japanese award for sugar flower making.
The first endeavour of hers was a 10ft icing cake with 6,000 sugar
flowers. Without stopping at that point she went further to make a
taller cake than the earlier one. That was 15.5ft cake with 65,000 sugar
flowers which was made for the first time in Sri Lanka.
That motivated her to go further in the field and obtain global
attention. As she has verified with the Guiness office the tallest cake
made up to now is an 18ft chocolate cake. She is eagerly expecting to
get the patent from the Guiness office for the `tallest cake’ in the
Orancy mother of three says that everyone at home is a vegetarian
besides her. “I make cakes for my family without adding eggs. I make
rich cakes, fruit cakes and wedding cakes without adding eggs but there
is no big difference in taste”.
She owns `Sugar Frill Cake Shop’ at Pelawatte, Battaramulla. She has
a dedicated panel of staff of six who renders great assistance in making
an attempt to make the tallest cake in the world. It took two and a half
months for her to finish the cake with the assistance of her staffers
and the family members.
She has a good reputation as a person who makes exclusive cake
decorations and she believes that it is the reason for her customers to
always keep faith in her for unique cakes.
Making cakes is her passion rather than her profession. She has also
made unique cake creations such as Eiffel Tower, mermaids, Green Lanka
building, a 12ft castle and so on.
Though we Sri Lankans can be really proud of her achievement she says
that she hardly received a compliment or an encouragement. She conveys a
message to those who are interested in cake decorating to try as much
not to copy another and to bring to light their very own exclusive
`Then only there will be a recognition to your cake decorations’ she
Back cover picture is the worlds tallest cake made by Orancy
Siriwardene. |