On inauspicious July 7:
July 7th is generally perceived as a day where riotous things do
happen without signs of forewarning. People consider July 7 as an
inauspicious day to venture on anything new as it would bring them ill
luck although there is no basics for such thinking, says astrological
However it is against that backdrop that several men on July 7 went
ahead in distilling moonshine spirits regardless of what would befall
A pile of anonymous petitions were lying on the table of Senior Supdt.
of Police Jayantha Perera, the senior officer at the Central Anti
Striking Force (CAVSF) at Walana, Panadura. They were all about illicit
liquor distillation in the Kandana Mahabage area.
The petitioners alleged the illicit liquor menace posed a grave
threat to the environment. Distillation process was carried out in the
marshy land of Muthurajawela in the Mahabage area, the largest
environmental habitat situated in the suburbs of Colombo. Muthurajawela
is important for several reasons.

Road to a painful death
The marshy land has prevented Colombo from flooding during the
monsoon season where excess water flows into it. Being the largest
marshy land, it was a safe haven for illicit hooch manufacturers and
bootleggers. Known as the den for moonshine, the accessability to the
swampy land is tedious. One has to wade through knee deep mud to get
Realising the gravity of the environmental degradation and the health
risks posed to people who consume the poisonous brew, SSP Perera decided
to despatch a team of Vice Squad policemen in civilian clothes to check
the veracity of the story.
The policemen were briefed by OIC, CAVSF Inspector Duminda Balasuriya
to keep a watch on men who hang around on the stretch of road from
Peliyagoda up to Kandana. They were told that the men were informants of
wealthy illicit hooch dealers detailed to keep a watch on the movement
of police vehicles plying on the road.
If the men sense something unusual such as several police vehicles
plying on the Wattala and Kandana roads they promptly informed their
bosses by using cellular phones on the impending danger.
Meanwhile the police surveillance party left in the wee hours of the
morning towards Kandana on a spying mission. They were told to proceed
straight to Lanka Matha road at Kandana Mahabage and to keep a watch on
a house for any suspicion activity. After arriving at the spot sleuths
kept a watch on the house by using their informants. Meanwhile they got
to know several suspicious looking persons entering the house.
This confirmed their suspicion that something unusual was happening
behind closed doors. The petitions also stated that a large stockpile of
illicit liquor was hidden in a secret house at Lanka Matha road
belonging to a millionaire businessman. He also owned four large
business enterprises in the area.

The production process

Before water is added |
Apart from the illicit liquor business he also transported stray
cattle from areas such as Anuradhapura, Puttalam, Dambulla, Hambantota
and Kurunegala in six lorries owned by him. The cattle were then sold to
butchers in the western province for meat. The businessman who lived in
a luxury house also owned several other houses in the area.
Several attempts made earlier to detect the stockpile ended in
failure. The stockpile was disposed before police arrived at the scene.
Watchmen deployed at Peliyagoda and at Kandana had informed their bosses
after sighting several police vehicles heading in that direction.
In the meantime a police party led by OIC, CAVSF Inspector Duminda
Balasuriya left Walana Panadura station on the same day after being
informed by the surveillance party about the suspicious house. To avoid
the watchmen noticing them the police party took a circuitous route and
arrived safely at the house located at Lanka Matha road,
The police team then raided the house and found a large stockpile of
illicit liquor in the house. It was the largest stockpile of liquor
seized by the police in recent times, said OIC, CAVSF, Inspector Duminda
Balasuriya. Three thousand bottles of Unlawfully Distilled Sprits (UDS)
were packed in 60 plastic cans ready for transportation to destinations
like Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara, and Kandy.
The OIC further stated the businessman used his luxury vehicles to
transport illicit liquor during the night. “He was a big time illicit
liquor businessman who supplied illicit liquor to bars in the city and
elsewhere,” he said.
The Police party there afterwards raided Muthurajawela where they had
distilled the spirits and unearthed several barrels buried in the mud.
The total amount of Unlawfully Manufactured liquor (UML) found inside 10
barrels were 2,057600 grams worth more the Rs 15 lakhs, police said.
While the raid was being carried out the millionaire businessman escaped
while his uncle and a man engaged in the distillation process was taken
into custody.
After the successful raid the two suspects along with illicit liquor
and other equipment were brought to the Kandana police station during
midnight that day. The raid was authorised by the new IGP Jayantha
Wickremaratna who assumed duties last week and was executed by DIG Staff
D.A. Fonseka at the police headquarters. |