Anuki’s Diary
Dear lovers,
Loneliness may come and go....
Have you ever experienced the feeling of loneliness? Well, what I
mean is ‘Have you ‘missed’ your lover when he or she was away? I did
because my lover is a frequent traveller and believe me, the feeling is
Sometimes, I ask him whether he misses me in the same way or as much
as I do? The answer is always ‘yes’, I do. When the pain of loneliness
is unbearable I just hide inside my bedroom and cry all day.... only my
pillow will stand testimony!
Recently when he told me that he will be away for a couple of days,
my heart almost started ‘bleeding’. Bottling up all the pain I asked him
firmly how he would feel when he has to be away from me? “To be honest I
do not feel anything, because I cannot run away from my
responsibilities”, he replied.
I was indeed shocked to hear such a thing from him, but then I put
across another question, “how do you control yourself, and are all men
like that? I mean strong and hard inside their hearts?”
He tried to explain, it’s not like that, but could not give me a
straight answer either for me to understand the bottomline of why only
we females take things into our hearts too much.
I also should mention here, though he did not give a direct answer to
my question, a momentary solution was found. To text and to call him
when he is away. Well, there are several things that I do to overcome
this terrible feeling of loneliness, the most effective solution would
be is writing.... letters, poems, free verses, etc....
To my Prince Charming, How are you doing today? I was the happiest
person on earth today, ‘cause I woke up to your voice this morning. How
is everything else with you? Good I guess, because you sound happy most
of the time. By the way, sweet heart, I must say this to you, that I’m
jealous, but not possessive because rest of the world gets more chances
to be with you, which I personally miss a lot.
There’s a difference then, isn’t it? I want you to know that I trust
you and do have heaps of faith. So no matter what people may say, I know
you. I’m sending millions of kisses to you.
So that when you feel sad and lonely, you can think of me and it will
bring a smile on your face. In my heart there will always be a place for
you. Loneliness will come and go, but should you ever need me, I’m here
for you. I love you, truly, madly and deeply....
I asked one of my closest friends, a young lady whether she has gone
through with the feeling of missing her lover and as to what she does to
overcome it? “When the relationship is fresh it is but natural to feel
kind of lonely.
Having a relationship for over two years I have figured out that I
don’t, feel the need any longer, to physically be with him all the time
and I can even go a whole 12 hours without a single text as long as I
know he is fine. But some people are emotional and need lot of
attention, whereas I do not need much of contact but, of course still
need attention”.
Dear lovers, let’s discuss more on this issue next week and until
then, remember do not feel lonely for too long as it may come and go in
no time.
Love Line
Where did we go wrong
Is it the words I said,
or a move I made,

I’m still wondering....
Please tell me my love,
Where did we go wrong?
Did I not kiss you right,
or was it I who always started the fight,
I’m still searching for the answer,
Please tell me my love,
Where did we go wrong?
Things were so right at first,
and now seems I have got lost,
Should I just let it go,
or should I fight until the end,
Has the spell run out,
Please tell me my love,
where did we go wrong?
Your presence,
always made me complete,
It decorated my world,
with love, hope, faith and care,
So how come my love,
things have changed,
Is it all my fault,
Please tell me my love,
where did we go wrong?
I’m scared of lightning,
and you know very well,
how bad it is....,
Your silence,
makes me frightened,
more than anything,
in this world....
Do not take too long,
to break the silence,
of our relationship,
for time flies by,
and never comes back,
problems are not rare,
but answers are hard to find,
So please tell me my love,
Where did we go wrong....
Move on
A caring girl,
She was.
For a total stranger,
I was,
She never knew,
My heart,
That waited,
For a start,
To start a new life,
With a girl who,
I liked,
And when she left,
Out of sight,
It was me,
Who cried,
You can never bring back,
The past that has passed,
But if you spend,
All your time,
Thinking of the past,
Never will you have,
The new life you always liked.
- Eranda Indrajith De Alwis
His coming
Gone with the wind he comes back again,
only to blow me further away,
In the way of the wind....
Stability I had, now no more,
It’s only the phrase “Let me blow with the wind”.
Hurricanes, storms, katrina them,
all gone by,
Now the sweetness of the calm-disturbed again
Limped by the mirage, disturbed on the way,
the blowing repercussions,
are hard to fake,
Frequent volts hit the air,
and shakes my balance....
I will survive.
- Krishanthi Anandawansa