Popularising fresh milk to reduce milk powder imports
By L.S.A. Wedaarachchi
[email protected]
Drinking fresh milk is become popular and it will help to reduce the
imports of milk powder said Livestock Development Minister C.B.
He said that milk powder imports have dropped by 12 per cent during
the past six months. Under the fresh milk popularisation project
implemented by the Livestock Development Ministry, there are 450 fresh
milk outlets in the country, he said.
He said that the time given by President Mahinda Rajapaksa to achieve
self sufficiency in milk is 2015. The target can be achieved five years
before the stipulated time, if the relevant sectors including the
Treasury assist the ministry, he said.
The production of fresh milk has increased by 27 per cent during the
past six months.
Farms run by the National Livestock Development Board (NLDB) have
shown remarkable progress in reducing the debt to various organisations
from Rs. 450 million to Rs. 150 million, he said.
"The annual cost of milk powder imports which is over Rs. 2 billion,
can be saved if the efforts of the ministry are successful, he said. He
said that the expansion and upgrading of the milk processing plants of
Milco Company is vital to meet the present milk powder demand of the
country. Milk processing machineries of Milco which are 40 years old
should be replaced by new machinery.
A soft loan of Rs. 1000 million in that regard was requested from the
Treasury. The project should be given national importance, he said. |