How to reach a happier life
by Charlotte Latvala
I’ll admit it: I hate change. It’s only spring and I already feel
uneasy about my youngest child, my baby girl, starting kindergarten in
the fall.
I’m not alone in my misery; change is unsettling, if not terrifying,
for most people I know - whether it’s a major upheaval (divorce, new
job) or a fairly minor one (painting the bathroom, switching e-mail
programs). And women have it extra-tough: Research shows we generally
take longer than men to adapt to changes.
To the rescue comes Ariane de Bonvoisin, whose new book, *The First
30 Days* (a companion to her recently launched Website,, is the ultimate manual for any change. That first
month is when new habits are formed, de Bonvoisin explains, and it’s the
key time for gathering the confidence and energy to get you through the
next weeks and months of transition.

Men can adapt more easily to changes |
De Bonvoisin herself is all about trying new things: She’s climbed
Mount Kilimanjaro, lived on three continents, and worked as a ski
instructor, in media, and as a life coach. Still, she admits change
isn’t easy for her. Rather than approaching new experiences with fear,
however, she’s learned to welcome them with enthusiasm - even joy.
“Change is the one constant in all our lives,” she says. “And
learning to embrace it is the most valuable tool in helping you love
your life more.” To help you get through any transition, de Bonvoisin
has identified the following nine guiding truths. Make them your own,
and let them lead you forward.
1. I have positive beliefs - about change, about life, and about
An optimistic attitude is the first tool you need to tackle change,
says de Bonvoisin - and yes, optimism is something you can choose. You
may not have chosen the change that is happening to you, but you do get
to choose your beliefs around it, says de Bonvoisin.
To shift to that positive mind-set, try asking what-if questions,
such as, “What if I believe things are going to get better?” “What if
life is working on my behalf?” and “What if this crisis is the best
wake-up call I ever got?” Looking at change this way will make it seem
less scary because you’re focusing your mind on positive outcomes - and
it’s not that difficult to do.
“By habitually emphasizing the positive,” says de Bonvoisin, “you can
actually rewire your mind to think more optimistically.”
2. I know that change will always bring something good into my life.
On a daily basis, life throws us curveballs - people file for
bankruptcy, lose beloved pets, miss planes, are diagnosed with cancer.
Although research shows that it takes longer to adjust to a negative
event than a positive one, desirable changes, such as losing weight or
having a baby, come with challenges too. And, yes, any of these
experiences can cause hurt and frustration.
“But even the hardest, most painful changes will eventually bring a
gift to your life,” de Bonvoisin points out. “Sometimes the gift will be
obvious, and sometimes it will take a while to realize.”
Remind yourself of this guiding truth when you’re facing any bump in
the road. To do that, think back on three or four very stressful changes
from your past, and the good that eventually came from them.
What comes to mind for me: I didn’t get my dream job after college -
but I met my husband at the company where I landed. And 10 years ago, my
brother-in-law developed early-onset Alzheimer’s - awful, yes, but as my
sister reached out for emotional support, our bond became deeper; my
role shifted from little sister to valued friend. The list - for me and
everyone else - is endless.
3. I know I am resilient, strong, and capable of getting through
We all have what de Bonvoisin calls a “change muscle” - and it’s
stronger than we think. Take 36-year-old Jenny Evans of Minneapolis, who
went through an agonizing divorce.
“Although at times it was literally painful to breathe, I wasn’t
eating or sleeping, and I thought I might die, I didn’t,” she says.
Since her divorce, Jenny has become better able to deal with life’s
other ups and downs, such as handling frenzied days at work or helping
her daughter cope with bullies at school.
“If I could get through my divorce, I can get through anything,” she
says. “Now, I almost view a stressful event from the perspective of ‘Is
that all you’ve got? That’s nothing compared to what I went through
two-and-a-half years ago!’”
Whether you’ve survived the death of a spouse, a Hurricane
Katrina-like disaster, or giving birth to triplets, there’s some moment
of truth you can call up to remind yourself how much you can handle.
“Your change muscle is the part of you that knows, deep down, you’ll be
okay,” says de Bonvoisin. |