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DateLine Sunday, 13 July 2008





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

LTTE no more guardian angels of Tamils - Chandrakanthan

The Chief Minister (CM) of Eastern Province Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan who is still popularly known as Pillaiyan, is confident that the Sri Lankan armed forces will soon capture Wanni as military offensives are going ahead strongly.

The Chief Minister Chandrakanthan, the former LTTE cadre, talking to the ‘Sunday Observer’ at his office at Batticaloa, said that the security forces which are now moving steadily and strongly according to a well coordinated military plan will bring the outfit to zero, soon.

Pic: Chaminda Hittatiya

Labelling the majority of the Tamil media as pro-LTTE, he said that the TMVP’s main problem was also the media whose intention was to tarnish the image of the TMVP. He said that instead of penning down the immense hardships faced by the civilians, the media was always trying to blow up small incidents relating to the TMVP.

Chandrakanthan said that the government should convince the people of the North that the LTTE was not their guardian, but a group of war-mongering terrorists.


Q: You have said that your cadres would carry weapons until the LTTE surrender their arms. Since the East is now on safe hands, do you still think your cadres need to carry weapons with them?

A: The LTTE will attempt to re-enter the East. But it is not easy as the Military, Police and the TMVP are keeping a watchful eye and taking every possible step to strengthen the security in the East.

I am not afraid of the LTTE and what I want to reiterate is that we will not allow the LTTE to re-enter the East. But threats to our cadres are still there and the TMVP carries weapons only for self defence.

We want to make our position is clear. Until the LTTE continues to threaten us, we have to carry arms for self-defence.

We have plans to rehabilitate the TMVP cadres are the LTTE loses Wanni. However, we have already started vocational training programme for the TMVP cadres. Like myself the majority of our cadres have entered into the political mainstream.

Q: International Human rights agencies continue to blame the TMVP for keeping child soldiers. Are you sure that the TMVP has freed all its child soldiers?

A: Some time ago we stopped recruiting children. We had only 48 child soldiers with us and they were handed over to the UNICEF and Peace Secretariat of Sri Lanka. But unfortunately a UN report claimed that the TMVP has over 72 child soldiers. A US official at the opening ceremony of the Arugam Bay bridge asked me whether in fact the TMVP has 72 child soldiers. But I can assure you that the TMVP does not have a single child soldiers now.

If any body including US officials still claims we have child soldiers, they are free to provide information relating to them, so that we can probe into it and do the needful. There are instances where the children went missing due to some other reasons and the parents suspect that they are with the TMVP. There are some pro-LTTE UN NGOs and they spread these rumours to blackmail the TMVP.

Q: You have said that the people of the East expect the TMVP to bring peace. So how far do you think that you have been able to fulfil their expectation?

A: Yes, peace is very important for these people who have suffered for over 20 years being caught up in a terrorist war. They are now enjoying a peaceful life and our main task is to restore peace here. As you said we entered the democratic political mainstream in 2004 to bring peace to the Eastern province.

I know Sinhala people still have doubts that the TMVP would join the LTTE. I would like to say that our main intention is to destroy the LTTE and we would not re-join the outfit at all. Apart from restoring peace we want to develop the province which lags behind all other provinces in the country. I want to look after not only the Tamils but the Sinhalese as well. I am working hard for that and of course I need time.

Q: The alleged abductions by the TMVP had increased tension in Batticaloa. What is the situation now?

A: We have our main problem with the media, particularly the Tamil media. They are pro- LTTE and they always create problems of this nature. They blow up a small incident and try to make an issue out of it. People in the East suffer from so many problems like resettlement, relocation, agriculture, another social and economical problems. But why have these so-called media failed to highlight these issues? Instead they would blow up a minor incident in an attempt to bring the TMVP into it.

The best example is that when Karuna Amman arrived back in Sri Lanka recently the Tamil media tried to create a dispute between us. We have a very clear vision for future.

As the Chief Minister and Minister of Law and Order my sole responsibility is to maintain law & order in the province. The TMVP does not want to abduct people or children as we are back in the democratic process today. What I want to say is that this is a mere allegation levelled by the pro-LTTE media.

Q: Do you think that the TMVP is the sole representative of the Tamils in the Eastern region?

A: I do not want to call ourselves, the sole representatives of the Tamils. If we tag this label, we would be the same as the LTTE, who which claims that they are the sole representatives of the Tamils. We are the main political representatives of the Eastern province. Over 99 percent of people accepted us as their political representatives in the East at the recent elections.

Q: Recently the TMVP proposed to have more powers relating to such matters as land, police and foreign investment develop to the Provincial council. Why do you think you want more powers in these sectors?

A: Power is very important for our people and we believe power should be devolved at provincial council level. Five years ago Tamils believed in the idea of a ‘separate state’ as a solution to the ethnic problem. But now what we want is a solution within a united Sri Lanka. We want to improve the living standards of our people. We hope the government will help us to develop our province as well like the other provinces in the south. For the last 20 years the living standards of our people dropped down to zero. The poverty is everywhere. So we want to bring development to eliminate poverty.

To achieve this, we need power and therefore we asked for the maximum power devolution under the 13th Amendment. We should give an assurance to the Tamils that their problems would be solved. We must keep their trust and believe that their problems can be solved within a united country.

The TMVP thinks both the Sinhalese and the political parties in the South will support us. We want to live in peace in a united country. We hope that President Rajapaksa will grant us full powers under the 13th Amendment very soon to develop the eastern province.

Q: You have proposed to get direct foreign investment to the province and will you elaborate this?

A: Yes, it is one of our main proposals to the APRC. I want to say this very clearly. We need foreign funds only during the disasters like tsunami and other natural calamities. On the other hand the Eastern Tamils working abroad have expressed their willingness to invest in development projects in the province. They really want to uplift the living standards of our people. As I said earlier media would attribute various reasons as to why we asked for direct foreign funds, but I want to say this is only during natural disasters.

Q: The experience with the running of the provincial councils in the South that they are squandering public money. So how do you plan to prevent corruption and wastage in your province?

A: My position in this regard is very clear. The TMVP and I are much more disciplined in money matters. Our hands are clean. I would not allow any one to misuse money as we are shouldering a huge responsibility. I want to bring up their living standards and want to give all the benefits to them. I will never allow any one to mis-use money for their personal gains. Without considering their positions, I would take every possible action against them.

Q: When Karuna Amman was in jail you said that he would remain the leader of the TMVP. He is back home and where does he stand in the TMVP now?

A: When he was leaving the country, the TMVP was not a registered political party. I tried my best to make TMVP a recognised political party.

I will soon discuss this with him and also the TMVP’s politburo. If he wants we are ready to change the party decision but remember he will remain as the founder of the TMVP. We will give all respect to him. As I said earlier some media try to create problems among us.

Q: Once you said that he will be appointed as the Chief Minister as soon as he returns. Are you ready to sacrifice the post now?

A: Yes, you seemed to be from the pro-LTTE media asking this type of a question. As soon as he returned these media asked me the same question whether I would like to hand over the post. There is no doubt that had he been in Sri Lanka during the elections, he would have been the Chief Minister. And now I am the elected CM and I do not know the legality of handing over the post to him. If there is a possibility I would give the chair to him. As the CM I am over burdened with responsibilities and work.

Q: According to media reports, Karuna still had a larger following in the TMVP than you? Is it correct?

A: Now the TMVP is very strong. This is a sort of suspicion created by the media. I can clearly say that there is no dispute as such within the Party and the TMVP today is one solid entity. No divisions as Karuna and Pillaiyan factions and we are going ahead steadily and strongly.

Q: As a young politician how do you view the contribution of the Tamil politicians to solve the national problem?

A: I think the politicians in the South are stronger than the Tamil politicians. The eastern region has created different mentalities due to war. Our politicians were in a dream for Tamil Eelam but today the situation is changing, especially in the Eastern areas. The good example is the TMVP and people of the East now know that the concept of a separate country is not the solution for their grievances. Some good politicians left the country due to fear for life but I have already laid the foundation for a strong political base. I request them to come and join the TMVP to facilitate the development of our area. I am confident that the TMVP would come up soon.

Q: As a former LTTE cadre you are familiar with the Wanni theatre. How do you assess the military operations now being carried out in Wanni?

A: The Sri Lankan armed forces will soon capture Wanni as military offensives are going ahead strongly. No doubt the LTTE will lose Wanni very soon.

The main problem in Wanni is man-power. The youngsters do not join the LTTE now and they refuse the LTTE. The Government and the armed forces should assure the Northern people that they will be in safe hands soon. Also we should give them the message that the LTTE is not their guardian any more, but only a group of terrorists. They will soon realise that the war-mongering LTTE Leader or his ‘commanders’ are not their saviours but the real guardians are the Sri Lankan government and the armed forces. That feeling should be given to them as was done in the East.

Q: Do you have any plans to get the support of India to develop the Eastern Province?

A: Historically, India and Sri Lanka have a very close relationships. As a powerful neighbour, India has a major role to play in solving national problem. Therefore, I think we should have the support of the India to develop the Eastern province. I will soon meet Indian High Commissioner to discuss this matter.

The TMVP is an anti LTTE political party and we support India too. Some politicians have a misconception that India supports only the Tamils, but it is wrong. The Indian support is for the whole of Sri Lanka.

Q: The TMVP is going to contest the forthcoming North Central Provincial elections. Is this to expand the TMVP’s political activities?

A: We have decided to participate in the election on the request of the people.

TMVP is representing Tamils and when there is a request from them we should help them.

Q: You have met the leaders of the newly formed National Freedom Front. Was it a useful discussion?

A: Yes. We discussed various issues and I explained to Wimal Weerawansa that the ordinary people think that he is against the Tamils. I told him that it was not a good image.

I requested him to come to the East and talk to both communities, the Tamils and the Sinhalese. He accepted the invitation and I hope they will come to the East soon.

Who is Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan

That particular day, still etched in his memory... The day he was assaulted by a home guard he came home dejected and swore revenge. Without second thoughts he made the decision - to fight for the liberation of Tamils. The prevailing situation under late President J.R. Jayewardene added to his thirst to fight for justice for his people.

Chandrakanthan the (15) joined the world’s most ruthless terrorist outfit - the LTTE on February 04, 1991. The boy, who looked stunted, was not caught the attention of the terrorist and they did not want to recruit him not because he was underage but he was ‘too short’. However, he received the final ‘nod’. He turned to ‘Pillaiyan’ was sent to Thoppigala for three-months weapon training.

Then he joined the LTTE’s propaganda unit and ran a mobile printing press hidden in a lake and did printing during night Pillaiyan’s commitment was appreciated by the LTTE leadership and he was able to win an award.

He who joined the LTTE to contribute to liberate his people, years later realised the actual truth that ‘separatism would not ever bring relief to the people’ and later joined the LTTE’s Eastern Leader to get a giant leap forward breaking the outfit into two major factions.

Putting a full stop to the mirage, he with his leader taking a brave step joined the democratic political mainstream forming the TMVP. “Though the decision to join the LTTE is solely mine, my parents think that I was abducted by the LTTE’’, the youngest Chief Minister of Sri Lanka, the 33-year-old, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan says.

Being a member of the popular Jendran Group of the Eastern region, Pillaiyan had seen the LTTE leader Prabhakaran on more than eight occasions - the very first during the Pooneryn attack and then at Karuna Amman’s wedding . “It was a May Day and Pottu Amman offered two cups of ice cream to Prabhakaran - one to mark the wedding and the other on the death of President Premadasa”, he recalls.

Apart from developing the East, one of the biggest dreams of this young Chief Minister is to establish an academy to teach English and other subjects free.

“Still there is no qualified English teacher at my school - Vipulananda Maha Vidayalaya. We wanted to learn but did not have the facilities. My parents learnt Sinhala while at school but we did not have teachers or books to do that even”.

Chandrakanthan says adding that he is planning to go to a class to brush up his knowledge in Sinhala. Though there were many offers to select his future partner, the Chief Minister has decided to remain unmarried until he fully restores peace.... until he brings development to the East and until he sweeps out the last LTTE cadre from the East.

“Our lives are always under terrorist threats and I do not know where I will lose my life. So when the time comes God will decide on my marriage”, he chuckles like a small boy. The agony of a child soldier, the fall of the LTTE powers in the Eastern region, the reasons for turning to democracy, what the Tamil people want and birth and the rise of the TMVP will all be penned by one of his closest friends.

“I have asked him to release this book after my death”, says the Chief Minister who admits that the post is too heavy for him.The role-model in his life...? Prabhakaran or Karuna Amman ... none. It is Che Guevara, whose picture adore the walls of the Chief Ministers office in Batticaloa.

Trying not to be biased and wanting to serve all communities equally, the Chief Minister Chandrakanthan pins the tiny National Flag given to him by the NFF Leader Wimal Weerawansa, on his shirt.” Justice under one national flag’ is the motto of this controversial young politician.

* I am not afraid of LTTE and will not allow the terrorists to re-enter the East.

* After the LTTE loses Wanni the TMVP will abandon their weapons.

* The TMVP will never join the LTTE but it will certainly wipe out the terrorists.

* Tamils in the East have no dreams of a separate land but want solutions within a united Sri Lanka.

* No dispute between Karuna and the Chief Minister as pro-LTTE media claim .

* Tamil politicians too dreamt of a separate country for Tamils.

* Need more powers to develop the East.


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