Is it a must for Buddhists to go to temple?
By Sajitha Prematunge

Ven. Thalpavila Kusalangnana Thera
In Buddhism, discussion of the Dhamma has been considered a vital
part for studying and understanding the Dhamma.
However this is rarely done today. In instances where most Buddhists
congregate, such as temples on poya days, they idle away the time. If
the excess time had been used for discussions based on the Dhamma, it
would not only make up for the excess time, it would also benefit the
upasaka (lay adherent) by expanding their knowledge in the Dhamma.
Dhamma Discussion is solely for the benefit of our readers. Any
questions you have regarding Dhamma may be addressed to Dhamma
Discussion , Sunday Observer, Lake House,
35, D. R. Wijewardhana Mawatha, Colombo 10.
Answers provided by Ven. Thalpavila Kusalangnana Thera
Q: Some believe that no matter from where you worship the
Buddha the potency of merits that is acquired, is the same. Consequently
is it a must for Buddhists to go to the temple?
A: The Temple is considered to be a place where the Triple Gem
resides. The surroundings of a temple are formulated so that one can
achieve calmness of mind. One’s mind that is flustered due to the
day-to-day hustle and bustle of the workplace and home life will be
calmed upon entering a temple.
The best place to pay homage to the triple gem and soothe ones mind
is the temple. The temple is the one and only place where one can pay
homage to the Sharirika dhatu (bodily elements), sacred Bo Tree used by
the Buddha and statues of the Buddha erected in his name.
However, though going to the temple and paying homage to the Triple
Gem is of utmost importance it can not be practised every day, when one
is leading a hectic life. But this is no excuse to prevent oneself from
worshipping the Triple Gem. Buddhists should go to a temple at least
once every weekend and make it a point to worship the Triple Gem every
day at home, at least once.

Buddhists should go to a temple at least once every weekend |
Unfortunately Buddhists are gradually losing their grasp on practices
such as worshipping the Triple Gem, as one family. Today the Devils box
- in other words the television - has taken that place. The television
is responsible for the deterioration of most of our ethics. The
responsibility of teaching children to worship the Triple Gem lies with
the parents.
Q: Must one who observes the five precepts well without
violating it, need to repeatedly observe Sil?
A: What is more important is not merely observing Sil but
maintaining it without violating the precepts. No amount of observation
would be of any use for those who do not adhere to the steps of
training. It is like washing a piece of cloth while repeatedly soaking
it in mud. However repeatedly observing Sil may be a source of
reminiscence, of what sort of Sil we are supposed to adhere to.
This would be beneficial for the Buddhist to observe Sil without
violating the precepts. Repeatedly observing Sil can be considered as
Silanussathi meditation as well, it involves reminiscing Sil. Observing
Sil repeatedly would also be exemplary for others around us.
Q: Should a person who does not have the calmness of mind to
meditate, adopt giving alms and observing Sil, or should he or she
strive to master the art of meditation?
A: The Buddha has said that - like the ocean that deepens in
several levels, Nibbhana also has a strata. And the first stratum is
Dhana (giving alms), middle is Sila and the deepest level is (Bhawana)
It would be a lie if one said that meditation could not be mastered
by one who gives alms and observes Sil properly. Because giving alms
weakens the defilement of avarice, by observing Sil one can suppress
many other defilements.
Through meditation one can weaken, suppress and ultimately totally
eradicate defilements. A person who gives alms and observes Sil will
find it easier to concentrate while meditating.
However meditating is not as easy as giving alms or observing Sil.
During the first stages of meditation an unexpected amount of
unfavourable thoughts will cross ones mind.
The suppressed defilements will emerge and begin to trouble the
meditating mind. A person who possesses a weak mind will give up at this
stage, fearing for ones wellbeing and happiness. One who continuous to
meditate in spite of hardships will later realize its boundless
The first man who ate rice for the first time may have thought that
it was not that appetizing, but today we can not survive without rice.
Meditation is no different. Mind refuses novelty, but one must learn to
persevere and conquer.
Q: What are the benefits and objectives of wearing blessed
thread (pirith nul)?
A: Pirith is the sacred word of the Buddha, the power
contained in it is immeasurable. Water and thread are the substances
that are best capable of harnessing the immense power generated by these
sound waves.
A person who wears a thread in which this immense energy is instilled
will surely constantly benefit by the goodness of it. These powers
contained in the blessed thread will not expire after a few days. But it
is advisable to obtain a new one when it gets dirty.
As people of other religions wear different items to symbolize their
own religions, the Pirith nula has symbolic values for Buddhists. Since
the right hand is considered more important its tied on the right hand. |