Call to rename Colombo
It is very disappointing that the name of our capital city is
projected outside the country as a western name bonded to colonialism.
It is not surprising the colonial masters adjusted the simple Sinhala
name to Colombo to suit their tongue which we all seem to carry on in
apparent ignorance.
In stark contrast to the majority of the masses of the country who
call the capital in its true Sinhala rhyme Kolomba internationally it is
called Colombo as of having an Italian connection.
It is pathetic to note that we Sri Lankan's call it Colombo whenever
we switch to English, be it in speech or writing.
Nobody outside Sri Lanka knows the Sinhala origin of the capital's
name but does assume that it is related to the country's colonial past.
I have met many a person outside Sri Lanka who thought that we were
under the Italians as to the reason why our capital is named as Colombo.
Colombo is a popular Italian name and there are towns and airports in
Italy and elsewhere bearing the name Colombo. There is the popular
Colombo detective series we all like.
It is also not helpful for a country that is notorious for violence
and drug trafficking, Colombia rhymes close to Colombo. When violence is
mentioned in the international media it may take more than a while for
somebody to clarify/digest whether it is in Colombia or Colombo.
Many other countries have had the problem of colonial names in the
past but have shed them away with their progress and we should not look
beyond our neighbour,India who replaced western names like Madras,
Bombay, Calcutta with Tamil Nadu, Mumbai and Kolkata respectively.
It is high time our leaders albeit belatedly come to understand this
great wrong to our country and take steps to get rid of a last vestige
of colonialism.
We Sri Lankans should be ever grateful to Mrs. Bandaranaike for
getting rid of the name Ceylon that called our country in the past. N.