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We met at the university. You
ragged me a lot and you saved me even from some terrible seniors. Though
your batch is out from the university you are still in my heart. One
ragging day you asked me whether I love a person. I said no and then yes
as I knew that if we gave critical answers we could escape. I thought
you asked it from me with some hidden idea. But later I got to know that
love was the heading of that day and you asked that question as other
seniors did. But still I cannot forget the way you asked it from me. I
like your deep voice, simplicity and your big and loud smile. I know
that you are a very simple person even without wearing a watch.
I know that all these nonsense are created by myself and some times
you may not even have cared me with some ideas. But you know, my friends
are kidding me telling your name. They say that you speak only with me
and therefore there is a specialty for me. I do not know whether it is
correct. I expected that you will speak with me on Going Down day. But
you went without any reaction and then I realized you treated me as a
normal junior and I am just a junior for you. But again I got a chance
to meet you at another get together. Unfortunately you were not changed.
Again you spoke to me at the faculty and I think it is just a talk with
a direct junior. Some times you were wearing the same colours I do.Then
it is very difficult for me to escape from my friends' jokes. Some time
I feel that all these feelings are because of the kidding of my
friends.I do not know whether we are going to meet again. If we meet
please talk to me. Nevermind, treat me as a normal junior and talk as I
really like to talk with you. GOD BLESS YOU!
By your junior

Monday, 29 November, 1943
Dear Sweetheart,
It seems ages since my last letter and I hope that it isn't really
as long as that. An air letter or so has filled in the gap and there
hasn't really been much news of any kind. Also mail from home has been
slow but I did get my Christmas cards away, at least some of them.
You'll have to send a lot of them for me to your friends who have moved
since I last had their addresses.
Mostly of course my slap-happy family. Everyone else I have mailed
cards to, thanks to you. Your cards came in very handy, plus a few saved
from last year.
From now on, my address is again Lieut. And by the time you get
this I should be with the field unit again. And that will be good
because I'll be busy again during the day and not just frittering at
things. Right now I have an understudy and there isn't enough work for
two. With luck I should be with the Regt. for Christmas, and strangely
enough, it will be the first Christmas I've spent with them. And the
third away from you. And that is three too many. I am thoroughly and
heartily fed up with being away from home. And that is putting things
very mildly. Still the end is in sight and this blasted war can't last
forever. If the powers that be could only see their way clear to uncork
the Second front that they blather about so much we'd end this war in a
hurry. I can't conceive how the Germans could withstand a heavy attack
right now. Particularly if we can keep up the bombing. Well that's
enough grousing and I should be very thankful that you and the
youngsters are safe and sound and that I too am still healthy.
I am going to be very much put out if I don't see some action in
this war but it's through no fault of mine that I've been stuck in
static jobs. So I guess we shouldn't complain. Or I shouldn't. I know
that you won't just so long as I keep away from any danger. Anyway in
due course I will eventually get home and then you and I can continue
our honeymoon. Truly all that is wrong with me is missing you. Nothing
is right or worthwhile without you and I'll never be truly happy or
content until I am with you again - to stay.
With all my love to you, Anne, Karen & Nanny I am as always
David K.
P.S. I love you

Week's Love Talk is with popular actress Sujani
'Love' as you feel?
Love is something which makes our lives more beautiful. We can't live
without love.
What's the worst memory in your love life?
Still I haven't got any worst memory in my love life.
And the best memory?
Does 'genuine love' exist in the world today?
To some extent.
Do you think a love affair should always end up with the marriage?
Can a busy person be a good lover?
Yes Of course! If there is a good understanding between the two, busy
people also can be good lovers.
When you are going to choose a partner what factor would you consider
most.....that person's beauty or the level of intelligence?
When I wanted to get married I looked for so many things like, his
intelligence, personality, behaviour....etc. I think when anyone is
going to choose a partner they should think about those qualities.

Dear Oceanic,
evening at the station
Staring at the horizon
I see a golden lane Drawn on
A wavy facade
Pleasing to an eternal journey
I went back, little by little
Collecting threads of memories
Banked in the deepest territories
Of the heart
Left by the oceanic girl I met
My crowned goddess tells me...
What was written in your eyes...?
Just as this simple aromatic
Creation of the nature
You captured with your digital eyes...
Mingle with your fascinating mind's eye...
Is it an illusion which clouded my eyes?