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Sunday, 15 March 2009





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[Book Reviews]

Fulfilling a long-felt need

Idioms - fascinating aspect of English:

Title: Dictionary of Idioms
Author: Hanser Abesiriwardena
Reviewed by Prof. Raphel O. Thattil

The dictionary is an excellent guide to idioms and its usage.

It is an indispensable book to improve your English with over 6000 idioms explained in simple English followed by examples.

It is printed on very good paper to last for generations with hard cover and is well bound with a laminated jacket. It consists of 550 pages.

This dictionary of idioms has been well planned. It’s indeed a gem among dictionaries. In my opinion this is the first of its type published in Sri Lanka to fulfil a long felt need.

It is important to follow the abbreviations used in this dictionary and read the instructions, “how to use the dictionary” before using. After reading a few pages you will easily understand how to use it.

I think it is not out of place to point out one drawback in the system of English education in our schools. As I understand not much importance or attention is paid to the teaching of idioms, which is an integral component of the English language. There may be various reasons for this lapse.

We know every year after the O/L results are released there comes a hue and cry saying that the `English standard’ is going down. The department takes various measures and the hue and cry wanes with the times until the next O/L exam comes.

The situation has not changed. The rot started with the change of the medium of instruction in schools. The pathetic situation has got to be corrected at any cost. Standards cannot be improved merely by appointing hundreds of English teachers.

The teachers too, have to be enlightened about the importance of idioms. There are thousands of interesting idioms found in this dictionary. Do learn them and improve your spoken English.

We ought to know that idioms play an important role in the English language. The author of the Dictionary of idioms correctly says that idioms make the English language colourful and fascinating. What we express in a lot of words in ordinary language can be expressed in one or two words in an idiom more energetically.

Knowing English is extremely important especially for the youth to gain competence in an international language like English, in order to pursue higher studies at home or abroad, to be prosperous in life by entering the international trade or harvest the fruits of knowledge by entering the world of science and technology.

May this dictionary of idioms be a guide in the pursuit of linguistic and academic excellence.

An important factor we must remember is the fact that the tendency today is to prefer the simple and vigorous idiomatic style to the more formal stilted and high flown composition.

In day-to-day speech, in novels, in books of travel, newspapers and magazines, etc. the idiomatic form of expression is used while in works of a more serious and factual nature the more formal language is preferred.

Idiomatic style is often preferred to the language written with classical accuracy because of the naturalness and the force in idiomatic expressions.

I would like to draw your attention to the following examples: Doesn’t it sound more vigorous and better to say, “Don’t make a pig of yourself,” than to say, “Don’t go on eating a lot of food greedily like a pig.”

“She is as good as her word” than “She fulfilled her promise.” “I left no stone unturned,” than to say, “I tried every means in my power.” “She had seen better days,” than saying “she had formerly been in prosperous circumstance.”

“Keep the door on the latch,” than saying “Keep the door closed, but don’t lock it.” “TV is on the fritz” than saying “TV is not working,” “Have a bun in the oven,” (Humorous) than saying, “to be pregnant.”

You will find thousands of interesting idioms of this nature, in this dictionary. Do learn them and improve your spoken English.

As one who observed the launching ceremony I can say that I was surprised to see how much the Chief Guest and the rest of the audience were impressed with this dictionary.

The Chief Guest went on to say that this dictionary may get a response even from the neighbouring countries. The professional aspiring to improve their English will no doubt find this dictionary very useful in improving their English. I too enjoyed reading it. This dictionary deserves special attention from the government that has named 2009 as the Year of English and Technology.

Vivid narrative of ancient rites, rituals

The Enchanting Village I saw - Telangapatha
Author and publisher: Jinadasa Jayawardena

This book by Jinadasa Jayawardena is about the village he knew in the early nineteen thirties (1930).

Telangapatha is a village adjoining Wattala. He vividly describes the natural environment of the village at that time; the wetlands, the fields, the streams and waterways, islets and thickets etc.

The incidents related are personal experiences of the author which make the book more interesting.

The customs that prevailed in that society such as caste system, the concept of natives and migrant villagers and situations arising from them are related in an interesting manner.

Glimpses of the historical background to certain incidents and folklore pertaining to them are cited. By being a close relative of the most elderly farmer the author has had the opportunity to join in with the farmers at many of their festivals where ancient rites and rituals were performed in the threshing ground.

The placing of relics in the threshing ground and marking signs on the ground in ash are such rituals. These were for prevention of evil forces and are analysed in detail by the author who had witnessed them.

Important landmarks of the village such as two ancient ambalams (wayside rests) and the well near the ambalama that served the village for centuries and the folklore attached to them are given in detail.

A valuable photograph taken by him three days before the well was destroyed by its present owner appears in the book. Another photograph is that of the Dunwatte Kamatha under destruction for the purpose of constructing a highway.

The author’s great love for the village and his sadness about the destruction of the natural environment of this enchanting village expressed in this book makes it very valuable especially for the present and future generations and also for the older reader.

The simple language in which it is written together with style in which curiosity and adventure is evoked makes it a book also for children.

In memory of revolutionary socialists!

Edmund Samarakkody: A Political Profile
Author: T.Perera
Publisher: Social Scientists Association - 210 pages
Printer: Karunaratne & Sons, Industrial Estate Homagama

The book though a biographical narrative on the life of one of the earlier Trotskyite Revolutionary Edmund Samarakkody examines in detail the development of the Marxist and leftist political struggles and trade union movement of the country from as far back as the 1930s when the Suriya Mal movement started as a challenge to poppy day introduced by the colonial rulers.

The development of the left movement that was tied to the two trade union movement led by the leading parties the LSSP and the Communist Party is also examined in great detail with special reference to the role played by the pioneering LSSP members like Samarakkody and how the struggle against the colonialism by the left leaders were opposed by people like John Kotelawala or A.E. Goonesinha in the interesting narrative of events with an admixture of political analyses reproduced from the speeches and writings of Samarakkody.

Events like the strike at the Wellwatte Textile Mill and the suppression of trade union activities by the colonial police force and their collaborators.

The use of racialist strategies by some leaders who opposed trade unionism and the fearless struggles led by the early LSSP leaders, their imprisonment during the Second World War for opposing the war are all described in detail in this very readable book by a veteran LSSP member who had done extensive research on the life and times of one of the stormy petrels of the left movement Samarakkody.

The book also examines the parting of ways of the LSSP leaders after the leaders like Dr.N.M.Perera decided to join coalition governments led by the SLFP. The departure of Samarakkody, Meryl Fernando, V. Karalaisingham or Saravana Bhagavan to form the Revolutionary LSSP group are also very interesting developments in the left movement described in the book.

This readable book would undoubtedly be of very great value to the student of politics and in fact to everyone who is interested in the recent history of the country especially the history of struggles of the working class against the colonial powers during the greater part of the previous century.

The examination of the various personalities in the movement throws light on the thinking of the early leftists who had made personal sacrifices to achieve their target of empowering the working class and brings back a dedicated revolutionary who sacrificed almost everything he had in the struggle to realize his dream.

Robert Kennedy: The 'younger brother full of pain'

Biographer Evan Thomas tackles 'His Life' Michele Dula Baum
For anyone who lived through the tumultuous 1960s, Robert F.
Kennedy's presidential campaign -- indeed, his life -- remains the great "what if."

In "Robert Kennedy: His Life," Evan Thomas uses the Kennedy era's prodigious documentation and talks with the people who were there to deliver an account that both dismantles the Kennedy mystique and polishes it. His masterful biography charts the life of the third son of Joseph P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy with an almost breathless excitement, starting from the very first line:

"Robert Kennedy liked to plunge into cold water."

From the beginning, Thomas plunges in as well, navigating the political and emotional depths of the Kennedy family with insightful explanations and illuminating anecdotes.

"To me, the most interesting decade is the '60s," Thomas, an assistant managing editor at Newsweek magazine, said of his reasons for examining RFK.

"And he is pretty much in the middle of everything that was going on."

Indeed, if it happened in the '60s, it seemed that RFK was somehow involved:

Civil rights. The Cold War. Striking farm laborers. Combating organized crime. Vietnam. And, of course, as a central figure in the assassinations that bloodied the decade: standing in grief as his brother was laid to rest, calming a crowd after Martin Luther King Jr.'s murder, and finally himself a victim on June 6, 1968.(CNN)

[Book launch]

Samuel Rodrigo’s Amaris Aiya (second edition) will be launched at Dayawansa Jayakody Book Exhibition Hall, Ven. S. Mahinda Mawatha, Colombo 10 on Saturday, March 21.

The book is published by Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers, Colombo 10.


Ven. Ellawala Medhananda Thera’s Vanni Maanushiya Meheyuma - Uthuru Pedese Avasan Novu Jathika Urumaya will be launched at Dayawansa Jayakody Book Exhibition Hall, Ven. S. Mahinda Mawatha, Colombo 10 at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, March 17.

Ven. Medhananda Thera is the author of several other books such as Negenahira Palathe Ha Uturu Palathe Bauddha Urumaya, Sinhala Maha Raja Vanshe 1 and 2, Walagamba Maha Rajjuruvo, Navathama Shila Lipi Gaveshana, Aithihasika Kudumbigala and the Sinhala Buddhist Heritage in the East and the North of Shri Lanka”.

The book is published by Dayawansa Jayakody Book Publishers, Colombo 10.


Buddhi Shishyathwa Athwela - 2009 By - Heras Fernando

Publishers - Buddhi Publishers, Nugegoda.

Review - Ananda Kannangara

`Buddhi Sishyathwa Athwela’ - 2009, written by eminent educationist Heras Fernando for students who are sitting for the year 5 scholarship examination this year will be released on March 20. The author, former Deputy Principal of Royal College, Colombo has used his long experience in the field of primary education to publish the book `Buddhi Shishyathwa Athwela’- 2009. He has also written `Buddhi Work Book’ - for students in Grade four.

Author Heras Fernando says the questions in both books were prepared following a comprehensive study on past papers including the Scholarship Examination, conducted by the Examination Department in 2006, 2007 and 2008.


New on the shelf

Buddhism, Hinduisam, Jainism, Yoga, Tantra and Viveka

Author: Mahaguru

Rarely do we come across a book which describes what Nirvana is. As Dharma Chakra Foundation of India says in this book Mahaguru has elucidated not only `how to attain Nirvana’ but has also shed a clear and penetrating light on what Nirvana truly is. Yoga International News, London sees the book as a `Must-read for the genuine spiritual-seeker’



Launch of ‘Free & Fair Election Reporting’ on March 28

Lisa Schnellinger’s “Free & Fair a Journalist’s Guide to improved Election Reporting in Emerging Democracies” translated into Sinhala by Daya Lankapura, will be launched at the National Library auditorium, Colombo 7 on Saturday, March 28.

The book is published by Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum (SLEJF) 434/3, Sri Jayawardenapura.

Mr. Daya Lankapura is the senior journalist and author of several other literary works. Free and fair elections are the key to a democracy and an election is a crucial time for members of the media to prove their credibility.

This reporting guide book detailed analysis of the importance of Citizen-based election coverage-which means reporting on the issues, solutions and facts rather than an agenda set by political parties.

Free and fair election reporting guide will look at various modes of election reporting and will engage with interlayer, together with the following topics, take special care to ensure accuracy and fairness, editorial independence and quality of content, democratic and accountable systems of administration and management, identifying priorities for action, Set restrictions on reporter’s or editor’s political activities.

The election reporting guide will provide tip sheets, exercises and examples to offer journalists new idea’s to help strengthen their coverage of the upcoming elections for provincial councils as well as future elections. The book is a Sri Lanka Environmental Journalists Forum Publication. Phone: 071-2733986

An approach to macro economic in Sinhala

Sarva Arthika Vidyavata Praveshayak - An Approach to Macro Economics by Ronald M. Reed priced at Rs. 280 is a book on Macro Economics.

At a time when books written in simple language are hard to come by his efforts should be commended by all.

In the introduction he explains all the markets and economies, be it the market economy or the socialist economy as well as the responsibility of economics.

One chapter is dedicated to discuss the syllabus of Economics which includes chapters on whether economics is studying about money, people welfare or shortage of resources. Another chapter is devoted to discuss the difference between micro and macro economics.

In this chapter he explains what micro Economics, is the benefits of micro economics, theory of Sey and macro economics. In a another chapter he discuses the objectives of macro economics how to improve the production how to improve employment, price stability, balance of payments and the macro economics policies.

The fact that he has dedicated one whole chapter to Karl Marx shows that he is tilted towards the theories of Karl Marx in addition has also dedicated a whole chapter to Peter F. Drucker.


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