Sorry we took a small break in the past few weeks folks. What can I
say, thought I should just lay back and enjoy the military victory. I
bet Velu would have been very pissed off and turning in his grave if he
ever heard the wacky emails and SMSs that are circulating about his
Marking territory
Speaking of pissed off this week's column is all about `pissing off'
literally. And mind you this does not concern Velu at all. It's about a
lioness - yes the four legged one. Did you know that lions are too lazy
to hunt, all they do is yawn, smacking their tongue from time to time,
thinking of their next meal. Lionesses do all the hunting.
But in zoos they don't get to hunt, they don't get to mate (whenever
they want to), basically they have to just sit around all day. This is
something that lionesses are not used to doing in the wild, so they are
generally pissed off. Now that is not the only thing they are pissed off
about. Animals in zoos are often harassed by the public. But be careful
when you tease that lioness in the zoo next time because one such pissed
off lioness actually literally '
pissed off' two guys! Believe me lioness pee smells. And the poor
guys were unable to wash off the awful stench no matter how hard they
washed.But they had no other choice but to use public transport, they
got on a bus asap. The moment they got into the bus, the person
immediately next to them started sniffing the air, trying to find the
source of that awful stench and throw it out of the bus as the two
helpless guys tried to stifle an uneasy giggle.
Close encounter with the third kind
The third kind in this case was a thief and the encounter was with a
Dachshund called sniffy. Sniffy upto this point has been acquainted with
only two kinds - dogs and dog lovers. Never allowed to venture out, on
its own, Sniffy has always been smothered by love and sheltered from the
cruelties of the human world.
However the behaviour of Sniffy made me question the role of man's
best friend. Dogs are there to bark, no matter how small they are their
initial impulse with a stranger should be to bark right? Wrong, this guy
did not only not bark, but peed on the living room floor - without so
much as a whimper of shame - and hid itself in the bathroom afterwards!
Now for what reason, does the darn dog think that, bathrooms exist?
Why couldn't it save its owner a lot of trouble and just held off until
it hid in the bathroom? Beats me. |