What’s a Pizza Con Tonno? Tonno Fresco is fresh tuna and it’s not
just the stuff that comes in cans. Being an island nation, we still
import tuna from South America but at one point, we did have a tuna
canning facility.
However, if you mention tuna, most people still think of canned fish
but it hasn’t always been so. Along the Sicilian coast, there are
villages called `tonnare’ that people would inhabit during the tuna
season. Tuna prefer shallow water closer to the shore. Fishermen catch
them by stringing nets.
As soon as the tuna are collected in this “chamber of death”, the
fisherfolk would pull the net to the surface, bringing the tuna with it,
and the ‘mattanza’ (slaughter) would begin, the sea running red as the
villagers gathered much of the animal protein they would need to survive
the coming year.
Alas, like many other things, the traditional ‘tonnara’ has fallen
into decline, a victim of increasing industrial pollution and of course,
Sri Lanka is faced with the same problem. It’s high time we think about
our own `tonnara’ processing unit instead of importing fish.Returning to
tuna there are many ways of preparing fresh tuna.
At Harpo’s Pizza, the Pizza con Tonno is a delicious blend of
mozzarella, tomatoes, black olives, green chilli, onion, basil and its
vital ingredient - fresh tuna.Harpo’s Pizza will be opening an outlet in
Colombo 5 (Kirulapone) very soon.
1. Jacky Costa, Colombo-06
2. P.Prakash, Nawalapitiya
3. Fathima B. Jiffry, Gampola