Chitral ’Chitty’ Somapala of Civilization One performed rock anthems
with the Luxembourg Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Prof. Gast
Waltzing for the Fete de la Musique at Luxembourg City last week.
songs he performed were from the books of Led Zeppelin, Queen, Deep
Purple, Uriah Heep and Yes.
Chitral who knows how to instil passion into every single note he
sings is now a rock singer much in demand in Europe. His rare elastic
voice can without exaggeration sing any song be it soul, blues,
aggressive metal, classic rock or melodic pop.
Any wonder ‘cos he has inherited all the talents of his renowned
parents P. L. A. and Chitra Somapala. Sharing the stage with Chitral at
the Fete de la Musique at Luxembourg were The Scorpions, Patricia Kaas,
Didier Lockwood and the New York Voices.

“We are happy to be back here in Sri Lanka” young and pretty Dinuki
Suraweera and Dasuni Chatrika exclaim together with enthusiasm. They
were here courtesy of the Sri Lanka Foundation, Los Angeles which
conducted a Beauty pageant in Los Angeles to crown a Miss Sri Lanka
2009, Los Angeles and a Miss Teen Sri Lanka, Los Angeles.
It was a felicitation ceremony for the young beauty queens by the
past and present beauty queens of Sri Lanka, which was held at the
Cinnamon Grand last week. The dusky Dinuki Suraweera wore the crown of
Miss Sri Lanka 2009, Los Angeles while the sylph figured Dasuni Chatrika
was crowned Miss Teen Sri Lanka, Los Angeles.
Both were tastefully dressed and carried off the sari with ease.
A student from Minnesota where she graduated in retail merchandising
and management minor Dinuki tells us that she studied at Hillwood in
Kandy and left Sri Lanka when she was just thirteen years. “As it always
happens your interests take a different turn when you go to another
country to live. Music became another side of me. I love singing
especially R + B and Jazz. I will be singing a song by Etta James ‘At
last’ and one by Beyonce to display my talents which was taken into
account at the contest.
Oh, I write poetry as well in modern verse. My parents are supportive
of me and somewhere deep down in my heart I miss Sri Lanka and I’m
hoping to come back,” says Dinuki flashing that attractive smile of
Miss Teen Sri Lanka - Los Angeles Dasuni Chatrika is studying to be a
teacher and is coming back to take part in Miss Sri Lanka 2010. She was
one of the finalists for Miss India Worldwide and shared with us the
method of selection in Los Angeles.
“The first parade was what they called the red and hot. In the second
round we had to display our talents and I danced the Bollywood dance
routine which I will be doing after this felicitation is over. The third
parade was the evening wear parade and most of us chose the saree.
Then came the question time and that was quite tough, it kept us
alert and on our toes”,says Dasuni. One time student of Gothami Balika,
Dasuni left Sri Lanka in 2000, but the day for her return is not far
Please send your music news to -
[email protected]
Mahes Perera