Washington Buddhist Vihara pays tribute to war heroes
Washington - One month after the defeat of the Liberation Tigers of
Tamil Eelam (LTTE) by the Sri Lankan military, Sri Lankan expatriates in
the greater Washington D.C. area gathered Saturday to pay tribute to the
war heroes of the Sri Lankan Forces who laid down their lives for the
protection of their motherland.
Sri Lankans from all communities and faiths gathered on June 20 and
took part in religious observances conducted by the venerable monks at
the Washington Buddhist Vihara. The service was led by Ven. Maharagama
Dhammasiri Nayaka Thera.
Jaliya Wickramasuriya, Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United States,
thanked the events organizers and said that all Sri Lankans will be
eternally grateful for the ultimate sacrifice made by their men and
women in uniform.
Ven. Dhammasiri Thera said that the conflict is often compared to the
time when the Great King Dutugemunu united the entire island. But the
recent victory, he said, was in fact a greater achievement, since King
Dutugemunu only had to fight the local enemy, while the Government of
Sri Lanka, led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa, had to fight an
international propaganda war, while defeating the LTTE militarily.
Sri lankan
expatriates take part in religious observances |
Wickramasuriya, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the United States
addressing the gathering |
Wickramasuriya and Embassy officials performing religious
rites |