Sri Lanka enters new phase in its history
by Satharatilake BANDA ATUGODA
Kadirgamar |
Duraiappah |
When the future historians write on the political, social, economic
and strategic environment, which existed in the second half of the 20
the century and the first decade of the 21st century, they will
certainly highlight 2009 as a momentous year, perhaps they may term it
as marking the ‘unification of the country.’ When one speaks of
unification one wonders whether the terminology is appropriate in
describing the culmination of the events, which unfolded during the last
30 years. Perhaps, during the past 30 years the political landscape of
the country was gloomed and darkened by a spectre of the dastardliest of
terrorism, which the land had never experienced before.
A born murderer from Velvettiturai held the political and civil
society to ransom, in the name of liberation to a segment of the
population, who themselves did not comprehend, what kind of liberation,
that this traitor of the people was trying to achieve. There was mortal
fear breathed down their throats, into their very systems. Gradually
this fear was spread among a whole nation, through murder, mayhem,
looting, utilizing the brainwashed vulnerable sections of his group.
Though the demands by these terror groups were unjust, undemocratic and
nationally deplorable, some were granted, by successive governments in
the name of peace; due to intransigent nature of the demands,
especially, on ‘separation’ some of the Tamil groups gave up terror as
they found these were non-achievable, and joined the main stream of
politics and social life.
The successive governments used varied methods to bring this maniac
too to his senses, but his psycho pathetic mind was made of extreme
rigid-stuff that he did not waver. His demand for a part of this
precious land, in the name of a peculiar state, was never realized
except for the establishment of some illegal institutions. He could not
realize his ultimate aim due to the united action against him, by the
rest of the Nation, including his own people. Therefore, there was no
separate state in northern Sri Lanka. As the term ‘unification’ connotes
bringing together of disjointed parts, its use to describe the
culmination of a defeat process, indirectly promotes a villain to a
status of a ‘hero’.
The Tamil-Sri Lankans were the worst affected, by his acts. Some
three years ago there appeared an article written by me, under the
heading “Tamil Independent Voices will drown...” (on Saturday 26th
August 2006) in the “Daily News” and also in “The Island” on 30 August
2006, I underlined the destruction that this maniac brought about to the
Tamil Civilization in Sri Lanka. He did not have the intellectual
capacities to realize that with the ‘mirage of that peculiar state’ deep
in his conscience he was sending youth to a killer machine, under the
name suicide-bombers and martyrs. Those intellectuals who opposed or
advised him to mend his ways were murdered by him, the list is long
starting from Mayor Alfred Duraiappa in 1975, to Minister Lakshman
Kadirgamar, and further (all these names are well recorded): the
‘child-proscription’ to his army, erased from mother earth a generation
of Tamil youth, thousands were deprived of higher education. The Tamil
Sri Lankans whose pride was their intellectual propensities were
flattened to dust. At least two generations of youth were annihilated.
Economy was ruined in the north and the east; social structures of a
mainly Hindu society was completely mowed-down by this ‘Surya-Devan’.
Ultimately, when he knew that he could not face the Sri Lankan forces
any more, and imminent death was at this bunker step, he used the
unwilling civilians as a human-shield to protect him, and face an
ignominious death. It is this utter cowardly act of his which resulted
thousands of poor Tamil-Sri Lankans to languish in IDP camps. He was
never a hero as some interested persons want him to be projected as, but
a well and true coward and a megalomaniac. It is unfair, therefore, to
attribute to him any so-called political achievements, which diminishes
the sacrifices made by Ranavirus, for the last three and a half decades.
The historic achievement of the Commander-in-Chief, heroic heads of
the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Police and the Ranavirus, in crushing
the most deplored terror outfit of the world, should be kept on a higher
pedestal, and revered as it is of supreme value to Sri Lanka, and the
whole world, when certain regions of the globe are engulfed in a
terrorist menace. Nationally, their supreme sacrifices reaffirmed that
‘Sri Lanka is a free, sovereign, independent and democratic, socialist,
republic’ (Sri Lanka Constitution) under one flag and one National
Anthem. Internationally they also taught the other nations, infested
with terrorism the ‘modus operandi’ of destroying and crushing it in
whatever form it raises its ugly head. Undoubtedly, a place will be
carved, for Sri Lanka when future history will be written, both National
and Global. President Mahinda Rajapaksa described this role of our
beloved young Ranavirus in his moving address to the Nation from the
precincts of Parliament on 19th May thus:-
“The world had not seen military sciences able to face a combination
of land mines, claymore mines, small suicide vessels, light aircraft
that can evade radar, and suicide killer jackets.
Through 30 years the security forces of Sri Lanka were compelled to
find ways and means to face up to all this. By the end of its successful
march the Security Forces of Sri Lanka had become the most disciplined
and capable military in the world.
Our security forces were able to defeat the most ruthless terrorists
in the world due to their strict discipline, commitment and creative use
of military strategy.” May I invite the Defence Secretary, and other
Service Chiefs to write a thesis on the “modus operandi” of this
meticulously planned strategies of warfare for posterity.
Buddhist principles
The 26-year delay in bringing this outfit to its knees have been
analyzed in varied ways, focused from different angles, by experts of
different fields. A historical and a philosophical explanation could be
the fact, that Sri Lanka is a land whose most ancient ways of life was
based on Buddhistic principles, mainly Metta, (Loving-Kindness) Muditha,
(rejoicing in others’ joy. Karuna (Compassion) and Upekkha (Equanimity)
that they looked at the enemy with the large heartedness taught in
Buddhism. Later other religions which taught similar values in our land
made people further tolerant and accommodative, even if the opposing
views were not quite acceptable. These value-systems first originated in
Buddhism. There are many stories in Buddha’s life; one popular episode
is how he tamed people who could not be put into correct path, like
Angulimala who later became an Arahant.
Final solution
The Buddhist Kings of yore gave sufficient time for wrong-doers to
correct themselves, under Buddhist principles of “Dasa Raja Dhamma”
which was done during history and even in the present turn of events.
President Rajapaksa stated in his address that he believes that Buddhist
principles based on Metta could bring in solutions to our future
Historically, what befell, on Sena and Guttika, in 237B.C. by getting
killed, after 23 years of negotiation and their misrule, and the
much-written rule of Chola King General Elara 145 B.C. are examples of
tolerance by Sinhalas to foreign invaders for some time, which turned to
their armed defeat at a later stage. The driving away the Cholas by
Vijayabahu 1, in 1070 A.D. is another instance of capability shown of
armed might. When ‘patience was misunderstood to be weakness’. However,
these were no parallels to the holding of people to ransom by terrorism.
In the present period of history, which is purely domestic in nature and
worse still when it is intra-country, a clear case of biting the hand
that feeds’.
In any event, even in the present period, the manner in which the
‘majority of the people’ who love the country, (to borrow a phrase from
President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s address of 19 May), acted in the face of
terror was magnanimous. President Mahinda Rajapaksa himself, declared
this time that his patience should not be construed as weakness. When it
was intolerable and when other equations became compatible of
eliminating terror. the patriot forces led by President Mahinda
Rajapaksa struck and struck hard, it should be the solution when
everything failed to answer.
Our political leaderships, the Maha Sangha and other clergy too,
tried to tame this megalomaniac with these Buddhist values, and of other
faiths; and even when the armies were zeroing on him or his cohorts they
were requested to hold on, and withdraw. One of the Presidents in fact,
called him lovingly, the youth who is misled. All these overtures met
with violent responses unprecedented in world history. That President of
Sri Lanka who showed Metta, in fact, was assassinated; the Sangha who
tried to take him to the correct path were butchered in Aranthalawa.
The members of Police in the front, who were requested by the leaders
not to use force on the cohorts, were brutally massacred; and Muslims
with clergy, who were praying in Mosques were butchered. Buddhist places
of utmost reverence were attacked, little realizing that they were
Blessed Sacred precincts tied up with the historicity of this land,
which gave shelter to this murderer and fed him along with his
followers. The Sacred Tooth Relic and the Sri Maha Bodhi were his
targets; these sacrilegious acts are all well documented and perhaps,
nothing but the Panchanantharya Kamma (Five Adverse Kammas which result
in this birth itself) which the Buddhists believe in ultimately fell on
Spiritual protection
There were of course, geo-political reasons which prompted the basic
thinking of Sri Lankan leaders in addition to their philosophical
religious upbringing; it has been found that the basic thought process
of Sri Lankans have been influenced by the Great Teachings of the
Buddha. Only when such spirituality did not answer the worldly methods
were applied to its very extreme.
This view could be substantiated by looking at our early history;
when foreign invasions took place our Kings at first tried to talk peace
and settle problems amicably, but when they did not work the answer was
given which was bitter. The instances of our wars with the colonialists
bear ample testimony to this thesis, during the period since 15th
century to the 20th century when we gained independence.
This land of Sri Lanka was Thrice-Blessed by that Great Savant the
Buddha, with His visits. Sri Lanka had always been saved and protected
in the face of greater upheavals and the land had been in tact; Buddhism
has survived to direct the lives of inhabitants. The unworthy methods of
the insane had never succeeded in the rule of this pure revered land
even in history. It was in the month of Vesak, the period during which
the Exalted One attain Enlightenment that Sri Lanka was liberated from
this menace, which proves that there is an unseen hand protecting the
land and its peoples. (I believe in this and had stated so in some
pervious essays of mine). I prefer to refrain from mentioning even the
name of the terror-satan who was killed by the Ranaviru children of
Mother-Lanka, on 18 May, 2009. It was the sad end that he may not have
wished for, but that is how history repeated itself, in Lanka. With his
movement into the hell, if there is one, for his deeds, we should look
ahead for reconciliation, reconstruction, remoulding the futures of
youngsters, and remodelling of our political structures.
Born leaders
In Lanka in times of such deep cleavages in the political and social
spectrum, there had emerged leaders, who could take-up challenges and
steer clear the destines of our nation. President Mahinda Rajapaksa in
the 21st century could be called a leader who emerged from Ruhuna to
shoulder this huge responsibility of crushing and defeating an inhuman
terror outfit that had won global disrepute. Out destiny had it that,
his own brother Gotabhaya (historic names all) had to shoulder the
defence part of the operation. Air Chief Marshal Donald Perera, Chief of
Defence Staff General; Sarath Fonseka, the Army Commander; Admiral
Wasantha Karannagoda, the Navy Commander and Air Chief Marshal Roshan
Gunatilaka, the Air Force Commander; Jayantha Wickremaratne, Inspector
General of Police; Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara, Director General,
Civil Security Department and the front-line commanders on the ground
were the Dasa Maha Yodayo (Ten Giants), or more, born to resurrect our
land, from this curse.Although, I do not venture to draw direct
parallels with ancient history for, valid, obvious reasons and also for,
this terrorist in question does not match any of those worthy opponents,
the present leaders of the Security Forces are comparable to those of
our ancient warriors. (I do not wish to write names lest I miss any).
They are indeed Giants in the true sense of the word.
The Ranaviru children hail from our warrior families who descended
here, with Sri Maha Bodhi and even earlier when Vijaya settled in Sri
Lanka; they carried the brunt of the operation. In fact their parents
and spouses should feel happy that they will enter the annals of history
for their sacrifices and bravery.
Thus starting from the Commander-in-Chief to the valiant solider was
born in our midst with a purpose to free the land from an unfathomable
terrorist scourge, which they did with devotion, commitment and loyalty.
We the common laymen owe a huge debt of gratitude to them and we, the
Buddhists should invoke the Blessings of the Triple gem.
The followers of other faiths should invoke the merits according to
their great religions. In our land now live brothers and sisters of
other faiths, with differing ethnicities and we respectfully recognise
their contributions to he life of Sri Lanka. We all salute the brave
‘Ranavirus’ - starting from the Commander-in-Chief to the valiant
soldier. We drop a tear to the departed, a word of solace to the injured
and a bow to those fought till the last.
Way ahead
Now is the time for introspection. I stated ‘Four ‘R’s at the
beginning of this essay. They are not the same as R2Ps, promulgated by
some thinkers, academics, NGO wallahs or foreign affairs experts, as I
do not belong to any. They are simply as follows, reconciliation,
reconstruction, rehabilitation, remodelling and restructuring of the
political, social, economic and cultural fabric of our Motherland. Let
me explain what I have in mind.
President Rajapaksa in fact, stated in his address to the Nation on
19th May that there will be a home-grown solution to the problems of our
Apart from the devolution of responsibilities to meet the other
urgent requirements there are plans under way. I am aware that already
there are such rehabilitation and development plans for the Eastern
Province, under the Senior Advisor and MP Basil Rajapaksa. Therefore,
what is written here could be stating the obvious. Still let me briefly
outline them.
There are obviously deep scars created in the social fabric due to
thirty-year conflict engineered by a lunatic. The Tamil community,
especially, need some respite. They were the most affected among others.
Their psychological conditions need deep understanding by other
communities. They have lost their loved ones; possessions; lands and
property; jobs; and they have nothing to go back in most cases. The
rifts between communities are also wide. We should bring them together
with varied initiatives. Already, these programmes are under way but at
different levels of society there should be a dialogue. For example
various strata of the society, farmers, craftsmen, professionals,
academics, lawyers, journalists etc should commence a dialogue and form
associations, meet at regular intervals, learn each others’ language and
discuss matters of mutual importance. It will build camaraderie. The
leadership for these should compose of persons of the same profession
from the South and the affected areas. These programmes could be from
the Government, private and corporate sectors. The Chamber of
Construction Industry, I am aware, has already initiated a programme to
bring together construction industrialists from the South Sri Lanka with
those of the North.
I believe there are other similar organisations getting together
professionally, and helping the affected with whatever support they
could give. Perhaps, the committees that has been formed will consult
the varied sectors to form integrated units. All I have in mind cannot
be written here lest I lengthen this essay.
A South African model of reconciliation programme may not suit our
set-up, as communities never had animosities. Still there may be things
we could learn from them. Learning of Tamil and Sinhala by both
communities is a must in this exercise.
The Ministry in-charge and the officers are already in this job and
perhaps, the private sector could be drawn in further to accelerate the
process of development. (I do not propose to write further in this area
as development is continuing.)
This is a stupendous task and the Government is on it with
experienced hands. With lakhs of persons in refugee camps, the plans are
under way according to reports to resettle them in their own lands.
It is the right thing to do as soon as possible. A word of caution
here; it is this aspect which catches the eye of international groups
who are all out to tarnish the image of a successful programme. I am
personally aware of this segment having got exposed to working in the
international orbit and also with grassroots people in the Wanni. We
feel sufficiently, satisfied as ordinary laymen that our colleagues work
assiduously with youngsters in this area.
Remodelling and restructuring of our systems
This relates to the devolution process of our administration. In fact
the crux of the problem was in this segment. There are several
ministries and organisations responsible both at a higher political
level and at an administrative level, for making fresh initiatives for
devolution of powers. It is once again an aspect prone to criticism,
domestically, and internationally. Hence, the sooner we offer the
maximum possible powers to the grassroots for their own administration
in whatever name or form we could halt the rise of disaffection and
disappointment from vulnerable groups.
(The writer is an Advisor-International Affairs, Chamber of
Construction Industry, Sri Lanka and is a retired Ambassador.)