Bishop Harold to shepherd the flock of Kurunegala
by Commodore Shemal Fernando, RSP, USP, MSc

Bishop of Kurunegala Rt. Rev. Dr. Harold Anthony Perera
His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI has appointed the Rt. Rev. Dr. Harold
Anthony Perera as the new Bishop of the Diocese of Kurunegala. Thus, His
Lordship Harold Anthony Perera, popularly known as ‘Bishop Harry’
becomes the first Sri Lankan Bishop to serve in four dioceses of which
in three as the Chief Shepherd and surely his name will be etched in the
annals of the Holy Catholic Church in Sri Lanka. Rt. Rev. Dr. Harold
Anthony Perera was firstly ordained a Priest of the Metropolitan
Archdiocese of Colombo. Secondly, with his elevation to the highest
ecclesiastical position of a Chief Shepherd, he was appointed as the
Bishop of Ratnapura. Thirdly, he was appointed and installed as the
Bishop of Galle. Now, he is being installed as the Chief Shepherd of the
Diocese of Kurunegala.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Harold Anthony Perera says that he discerns his
appointments from See of Ratnapura to See of Galle and now to See of
Kurunegala as the will of God, coming through His Superior, the Holy
Father, the Vicar of Christ. Bishop Harold as a courageous colossus of
the Catholic Church will surely shepherd his new flock with affection,
in keeping with His motto, “the strongest bond of peace is love” and
trusting in the Providence of God and the protection of Our Blessed
Rt. Rev. Dr. Anthony Leopold Raymond Peiris spearheaded the Diocese
of Kurunegala as the first Bishop of the diocese for 22 years from 1987.
Bishop Harold says that Bishop Raymond has sailed the ship to the waters
and his task is to sail it to the deep.
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Kurunegala was set up on May 15, 1987.
It was Rt. Rev. Dr. Frank Marcus Fernando, the then Bishop of Chilaw who
convinced the Holy See that the eastern part of the Diocese of Chilaw,
namely the area covered by the District of Kurunegala would develop much
faster, if it becomes an independent diocese. At present, the diocese
consists of 30 parishes, 53 priests and encompasses 4,763 square
Bishop of Galle
His Lordship Harold was installed as the 6th Bishop of the Diocese of
Galle on March 8, 2005 at the Queen of the Holy Rosary Cathedral in
Galle. The Diocese of Galle is one of the oldest dioceses in Sri Lanka
and boasts a proud history of 115 years. He assumed duties at a very
crucial juncture in the history of our country, just after the tsunami
tidal waves devastated the whole of the Southern coastal belt. The
original Diocese of Galle that comprised the two Administrative
Provinces of Southern and Sabaragamuwa was divided in 1995 to create the
new Diocese of Ratnapura. The present Diocese of Galle includes the
three Administrative Districts of Galle, Matara and Hambanthota.
The Diocese of Galle will remember Bishop Harold for his pioneering
work mainly to resurrect the diocese from the catastrophe of tsunami,
for his praiseworthy missionary and evangelizing efforts and for his
unmatched apostolic zeal towards welfare of the diocese.
As Chairman of Caritas Sri Lanka, he made untiring efforts to harness
the resources available to be utilized towards his mammoth efforts in
constructing thousands of houses and several school buildings. His
determination and inspiration in timely completion of renovation work of
the famed St. Mary’s Shrine in Matara for the Centenary Celebrations is
indeed remarkable.
Bishop of Ratnapura
Bishop Harold was appointed as the second Bishop of the Diocese of
Ratnapura and took Canonical possession of the Diocese at Sts. Peter and
Paul Cathedral in Ratnapura on March 22, 2003 following his Episcopal
Ordination at St. Lucia’s Cathedral, Kotahena on March 18, 2003 by the
Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Ranjith. He served the diocese as the Bishop of
Ratnapura from January 29, 2003 to February 15, 2005. Also, he
functioned as the Apostolic Administrator of the diocese from July 2006
to May 4, 2007.
The Diocese of Ratnapura was originally a part of the Diocese of
Galle. On November 2, 1995 it became an independent diocese and includes
the two Administrative Districts of Ratnapura and Kegalle.
The first Bishop of Ratnapura, the Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Ranjith who
steered the newly carved diocese from November 2, 1995 to October 1,
2001 was instrumental in laying a solid foundation for the future of the
diocese within a short span of 5 years.
Birth and early life
Bishop Harold was born on June 9, 1951 as the second son of late Mr.
Michael Perera and late Mrs. Pesona Jayamaha. The only other member of
his family was his elder brother, late Mr. Gabriel Joseph Perera. The
surviving relatives in the family are the widow of his brother and her
two children and their families.
He received his primary education at St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic
School at Pamunugama upto Grade 5 and thereafter joined St. Aloysius’
Seminary, Borella on January 13, 1962 to prepare himself for the
priesthood. Then, he entered the Intermediate Seminary, Haputale in 1971
and the National Seminary, Ampitiya in 1973 for his studies in
Philosophy and Theology.
He was ordained a Priest on July 5, 1980 by the Most Rev. Dr.
Nicholas Marcus Fernando, the then Archbishop of Colombo.
He did his spell of parish work as an Assistant Priest at Dalugama
and as the Parish Priest at Kurana, Thudella and Liyanagemulla. He left
for Rome in 1986 for his higher studies, where he successfully completed
Bachelor of Theology at the Urban University and Master of Arts
(Theology) at the University of St. Thomas Aquinas.
Archdiocesan appointments
He served as the Procurator General of the Archdiocese of Colombo
from 1992 to 1998. He had a stint as the Archdiocesan Director of the
Pontifical Mission Societies as well from 1998 to 2001. He concurrently
served as Administrator of the Archdiocesan Estates, Member of the
Archdiocesan Curia, member of Archdiocesan Personnel Board, Member of
Archdiocesan College of Consultants and Member of Archdiocesan Senate
from 1996 to 2003.
National seminary
He was the Bursar at the National Seminary, Ampitiya from 1983 to
1991, besides serving as a Lecturer and Member of the academical staff.
Later, he was appointed as the Director of the Philosophate at the
National Seminary, Ampitiya in 2001 and served in the position until he
was elevated to his Episcopal status.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Bishop Harold Anthony held an array of appointments in the Catholic
Bishops’ Conference of Sri Lanka. In 2003, he was appointed the Chairman
of the Commission for Inter-religious Dialogue and Ecumenism. In 2004,
he was appointed as Chairman of the Finance Committee and as Bishop
in-Charge of Youth, S. V. P. and Legion of Mary. In 2005, he functioned
as Secretary of the Tsunami Task Force. In 2006, he was appointed as
Member of the Peace Task Force. Later, in 2007 he assumed duties as
Chairman of Justice, Peace and Human Development as well as Chairman of
Caritas Sri Lanka.
Silver Jubilee
His Lordship Harold is the 1st Bishop and 25th Priest of his native
Parish of Pamunugama. His Silver Jubilee of the Sacerdotal Ordination
was celebrated on July 5, 2005 in his native parish. The parishioners
joined His Lordship as a family in celebrating the occasion and giving
thanks to God for all the blessings bestowed on him during the 25 years
of his priestly service in His vineyard.
Bishop Harold who always say to the priests, religious and lay
faithful to, “Bloom where you are planted” will surely strive to
shepherd his flock whilst building bridges of friendship with the
diverse ethnic and religious communities in the Diocese of Kurunegala.
His ability and keenness to establish tactful understanding will surely
be and asset in the execution of the enormous task. Ad Multos Annos ! |