JASTECA to launch TPM programs
Japan-Sri Lanka Technical and Cultural Association (JASTECA), the
Alumni of the Association for Overseas Technical Scholarships (AOTS)
Japan, have been in the forefront introducing and promoting Japanese
management systems to Sri Lanka. Some of the better known systems
introduced earlier and are widely accepted and implemented are "Quality
Circles" and "5S" practices, while other useful concepts such as TPM ,
JIT and Kaizen continue to attract the attention of Companies interested
in production efficiency and service excellence. TOTAL PRODUCTIVE
MAINTENANCE better known as TPM is a concept that was originally
developed in the USA as a basis for Preventive Maintenance, to maximise
equipment efficiency and achieve optimum productive output from
machinery. TPM was further developed by the Japanese Industrial research
organisations and evolved as a total system to prevent losses due to
machine breakdown, aiming to achieve zero defects, zero accidents and
zero breakdown of machinery and equipment in the entire production
cycle. TPM has received global acclaim as a tool to achieve plant
efficiency and remarkable productivity enhancement. The Japan Institute
of Plant Maintenance (JPIM) is the world recognized body for
certification and has approved over 3,000 industries worldwide for the
TPM award. In India alone over 100 industries have been certified by
JPIM at various levels of TPM. This leads us to the question "Why is TPM
so popular and in demand"? It is because TPM guarantees dramatic
results, visibly transforms the workplace and raises the level of
knowledge and skills of production and maintenance workers.
TPM helps to restructure the corporate culture through improvement of
human resources and plant management.
In Sri Lanka TPM is still in its infancy and need to be revamped and
boosted as a means to achieve excellence in our industrial goods and
services output, in order to survive in the fiercely competitive global
market place. Once again JASTECA will take the initiative to promote the
use and implementation of TPM to Sri Lanka's industrial ventures with 8
full day workshops (on Saturdays) where the participants will be guided
on the implementation process of TPM. The program will be handled by a
JPIM accredited TPM Instructor with hands on experience in implementing
this concept in a reputed multinational organization and a
manufacturer/exporter of internationally accepted products.
The basis and foundation for TPM is "5S" and Companies interested in
implementing TPM will first be guided through the 5S process. Following
implementation of TPM, participating Companies will be assessed by a
team of qualified evaluators and a Certificate of Conformity issued
under the seal of JASTECA. For the benefit of interested participants, a
study tour of India to visit award winning TPM factories in Chennai
could also be arranged. JASTECA will also provide an assessment report
of the participant Company before and after TPM process. Companies
implementing TPM successfully could make a further request for advanced
training to target JPIM accreditation. JASTECA which celebrated its 25th
anniversary recently has actively promoted "5S" practices continuously
for over ten years and have successfully conducted an islandwide
competition, awarding the Taiki Akimoto 5S trophy for the best
implementation of 5S. A large number of Industrial, commercial and
service organisations have achieved multiple benefits through this
simple and practical concept.
Among them are Apparel Industries, Plantation Companies, Government
Hospitals and Police Stations to name a few.
This year with the launch of TPM practices JASTECA is ready to take
the implementing Companies down the same road to success.