Lights for Kilinochchi in two weeks
by Jayampathy JAYASINGHE
Following the installation of a transformer near the Iranamadhu Tank
at Kilinochchi electricity to Kilinochchi area will be supplied within
the next two weeks, according to `Uthuru Wasanthaya' Programs Project
Manager Gratian Muthukuda Arachchi.
He said darkness of the Northern Province will soon be dispelled with
light under the Uthuru Wasanthaya program.
The Uthuru Wasanthaya Program's Project Manager, Gratian Muthukuda
Arachchi said the entire Northern Province will be provided with
electricity within the next two years under the Uthuru Wasanthaya
program to re-build the electricity sector ravaged by three decades of
the separatist war. The entire project will cost around Rs. 6 billion,
which will be borne by the State.
Meanwhile the first transformer was installed last week near the
Iranamadhu Tank at Kilinochchi to provide electricity to Kilinochchi
area within the next two weeks.
"However it will take around six months to re-construct the damaged
power lines in the entire Northern Province." The project Manager added
that electricity will be provided to the entire Mannar district, whereas
80 per cent electricity will be provided to Jaffna following the
upgrading of the power grid stations during the next six months.
Meanwhile 50 kilometre transmission line has been laid from Vavuniya
to Mankulam. A further extension of the transmission line from Mankulam
to Kilinochchi and from Kilinochchi to Mullaitivu will be laid over a
distance of 75 kilometres during the next six months.
In addition 400 transformers will be set up during the next two years
to provide electricity to 400 villages in the Northern Province.