The river winds its way
On its way to meet the sea,
The bright rays of red and orange
Of the sun, bidding goodbye
To all of the days happenings
Embrace the slow moving waters.
Darkness is about to set
Shielding the world,
The river is on his last journey,
Calm and poised,
Views the twilight for one more time,
For the twilight seems to be
The God's indrawn breath;
A pause in progression of time.
Chanakya Liyanage
Lame parrot
I watched in glee
Some playful parrots
One Saturday morning
On one of the tree tops
The sight was lovely
But in seconds
All disappeared
Except one
Unable to fly
Left underneath.
Poor little lame parrot
With unsteady steps
Lay helpless
Beneath the bush.
I do not think
We have done wrong
Keeping it with us
Till it get cured
The parent bird
Not forgetting its little ones
Paying regular visits
And feeding thro' the metal bars
Oh, what a lesson it taught
To me and all.
Just a week passed
When all of a sudden
That Sunday morning
It made its flight
To its own world.
Fleeing from my father's hand
It flew high up, not alone
But with two parent birds.
And my father, to his great joy
Silently stood beholding the sky.
Harshi Wijesinghe
The hapless womanhood!
(Dedicated to Mr. J. D. of Nawaloka hospital)
Born to sky and barren earth,
lost the way between sky and earth,
We live under one sun and moon.
But we are full of differences.
Destitudes we are
But never become unethical beings.
Respecting all Buddhist values
and some good western concepts.
We are born to humankind!
Who is our guardian deity,
Except the four great gods?
Aesthetics will sooth our minds
Commerce will provide new thoughts
Science will prove reality
But the world will remain selfish.
We spread ‘Metta’ the great message.
Throughout the world.
How to renunciate dear?
We are hapless women
burdens even to our
own parents and earth!
Will a deity show us a path?
At least to conquer sins!
While we are not blessed
to enjoy the powers of being
born as humans!
Lakmini A. Hewawasam
Piano keys – black and white
Black and white blend
in harmony
a sweet melody
Passing the weary days
Troubles may vanish,
Desires and doubtful
dreams come true
Gone are the weary
days and hours.
Can yield the pleasure for ever
Life is colour, and warmth
and light
Sing well, sing another,
Sing together.
I pray thee - sing it
a loud, and long.
While time lingers by
Soaring the songs to a height
My life revives,
desires fulfilled.
M. Asokamala Walawage
Sweep seller, his life and dog
His bicycle carries the seller
His dog follows with the tether
His stock in trade lies on the platter
His lifestyle is never better
His amplifier beams the music which others can hear
From miles away and asunder
The news goes to the would be buyer
To buy a ticket to give his luck a trier
From morn till night he peddles and peddles
For a rupee he gets for a ticket he sells
With his huge money! Home he goes
Wife is expecting a bag full of wants
They stop for lunch under a shade
To eat the lunch he bought from sales
Dog waits till his master finishes
To have his share which master never fails
He does not attempt to do any crime
To overtake his destiny’s frame
Content to be with what you get
Is the way of life that all should not forget
J. Nagodavithana