Our habits - harbingers of cancer?
Beyond all doubts what you value most is your health - a healthful
living. But how very often we do find people who themselves undermine
their own health with the very methods and practices which they employ
to attain and promote health. Apart from that an individual’s
predisposition for some kind of irresistibly “appealing” thing may
jeopardize his health and most often, such a thing may cancel out his
life quite prematurely. For instance, a cigarette, a strong drink or a
“hot and spicy” snack can possibly allure one and call a half to one’s
life in the long run.
Widespread fear exists of cancer being caused by mobile phones but
whether the constant use of phones is enough to produce a brain cancer
is controversial with “pro and con conclusions” following numerous
researches throughout the globe.
Mobile phones
Currently many of us venture a guess that use of mobile phones on the
ear for a prolonged time results in brain cancer but much controversy
exists on the validity of this recent guess. Some Swedish researchers
who carried out an extensive experiment on this phenomenon assertively
claim that the statement holds meaning with regard to those who have
used mobile phones not less than ten years.
In a detailed report of conclusions, they have suggested a course of
action which might dispel the fears, and the risk of brain cancer as a
by product of use of mobile phones. They maintain that the potential
harm could be minimised by around 20% if the phone user fixes an
Absorbing button on the phone which is devised for absorbing the shock
waves. Moreover, one must focus attention on the SAR level of the phone
when one buys a phone.
As the headmost precaution, they recommend the avoidance of speaking
on the phone kept stuck on the ear and the user can easily switch over
to the easy alternatives such as a hand free set or an ear phone when
Furthermore, the use of a case to keep the phone in, likewise
guarantees security though it clearly minimises the power of wave
signals. Though the researchers spelled out these precautionary
measures, they have not adopted the view that use of mobile phones is
responsible for a cancerous effect on the brain or body.
Fear no more...
A major research project on the supposed link between phones and
cancer was brought off by a team of experts from the Cancer Research
Institute of Britain and the University of Nottingham. They made a point
blank denial of any relationship between use of phones and brain cancer.
In this research, they querried a group of respondents who suffered from
Glioma cancer and a group of mobile phone users who used mobile phones
for ten years. Their data showed that mobile phone in no way had the
capacity to create any danger.
If brain cancer in spite of the unfounded myths which began to create
a storm of fear among the phone users; particularly those who used
mobile phones frequently for a prolonged period. According to these
experts, the general acceptance that there is a high level of
possibility for a brain cancer to form on the side of head where phone
users keep their phones is completely fallacious. The experts used a
sample of 2,782 respondents from various regions in Britain. Finally
they arrived at a surprising conclusion. Contrary to popular belief,
they assertively declared that no relationship whatsoever is possible
between the frequency of the use of phones and the brain cancer called
Natural remedy...
Professor Elliot Rosan of Georgetown University - Washington has
found an effective natural Cancer fighter. He had pointed out, with
irrefutable data, that consumption of freshest vegetables chiefly beans
and cabbage minimises the risk of cancer. Fresh vegetables like cabbage,
leeks and beans produce a chemical called Genistine which helps to
increase the level of DNA acid of the body and stop the possibility of
cancerous growth in the body. The DNA acid is naturally produced in
human body and it is proved to prevent cancer by increasing the growth
of cells in the body.
Therefore this chemical (Genistine) is produced in beans and leeks
which have been proved to be highly effective against cancer.
Much earlier than the present experiments, some researchers had
hinted of the therapeutic value of these vegetables which, they claimed
produce vital chemicals and preliminarily fight off cancer.
This was “revolutionary” news for people at that time and the latest
researches too have discovered the astonishing properties in these
vegetables and have recommended regular consumption in order to minimise
the risk of cancer.
Perhaps you might avert these types of vegetables owing to the taste
or pungent smell but think for a moment about the process of molecules
within these vegetables which impair the “vigour” of cancer.
Mind you smokers!
Smoking is a yet another lethal habit which is well noted for
“invoking the blessings” of cancer. Irrespective of caste, creed, class
or age, this monster has spread its ugly wings over the majority of the
world’s younger population and has duly taken its toll at a terrific
To be more definite, the appalling truth surrounding the habit of
smoking is that a person’s “mental addiction” is far greater and more
persistent than his “physical addiction”. The physical addiction comes
at the first stage of the habit and the psychological addiction springs
from it more energetically and more perdurably, turning itself into a
wrackful addiction.
Woman too play a major role within this social catastrophe. If a
woman gets addicted to smoking particularly during her pregnancy, she
would unquestionably have devastating aftermaths. Experiment data show
that smoking women develop marvellous trend for getting cancer in the
womb. European women are having the bitter consequences of this habit
currently and medical experts rightly predict that in ten years time,
Sri Lankan women too would fall victim to womb cancer as a result of
their smoking.
A person had a high level of responsibility in restricting his
smoking particularly when his wife is on pregnancy. The period of
pregnancy is the high risk position where a woman is most susceptible to
internal maladies specially womb cancer if she is a heavy smoker. We
must remember one thing of vital importance. A husband, even if he had
fallen to chronic addiction, must avoid his smoking before his pregnant
wife by reason that the smoke can enter the woman in an indirect way and
it can handicap or cripple the baby forever. Moreover, the cigarette
smoke can afflict a baby with heart diseases, eye diseases and sometimes
it goes to the extent that the baby might be born as a still birth.
Rehabilitation - the way
There is a clear-cut solution for the problem of smoking too. That is
rehabilitation. The best possible way to make exodus from this
destructive habit is to take yourself (of you’re a smoker) or your
smoker to a rehabilitation center and get counselling from expert
personnel. But most important, you must have the honest need to
rehabilitate yourself and give up smoking because your “need” is the
dominant factor which makes the process of rehabilitation easier. Any
parent can rehabilitate his or her child who is addicted to smoking,
under the healing atmosphere of a rehabilitation center where latest
treatments, all the essential facilities and expert counselling are
provided free.
Here one can raise the question whether any person could be
rehabilitated in a very short time. The heads of the rehabilitation
centers say whether an addict could be rehabilitated in a short time
depends very much on the addicts education, intelligence, and the extent
to which he has fallen prey to the addiction.
White poison
The common salt is sometimes labelled as “silent death” because
excessive intake of salt is extremely detrimental and may kill a person
by degrees. But most untowardly it is the most popular addictive to most
of “tasty and spicy” foods and food lovers dangerously take in amounts
of salt, much more than the recommended quantity which is 1500 mg per
The doctors from the Institute of Medicine - America say that a
generally healthy person between 9 to 50 years should have his daily
Sodium consumption not exceeding 1500mg but some processed food in the
market are proved to contain excessive quantity of salt, that is 2400
At the sametime, they forewarn that regular consumption of such foods
definitely imperils a person and may bring heart diseases and stomach
cancer in the long run.
For instance, a doctor may advise a person to extremely minimise the
intake of salt but that person may excessively take in salt because he
is “addicted” to canned food and canned soup which contain profuse
amounts of salt, as the researchers say.
Medical experts agree that the excessive amount of salt found in
these artificial food items might induce high blood pressure, heart
diseases, kidney failures and even stomach cancer (abdominal cancer).
Deathly food styles
Wrong food habit and styles have greatly influenced us. The
destructive effects of wrong food are clearly visible in the way one
behaves, that is to say, restlessness, impulsiveness, strong stimulation
and lethargy are the by products of intake of processed food. Latest
researches have revealed that the artificial colourings additives toxic
preservatives and stimulants added to the processed food and other
instant foods definitely pave the way for stomach cancer and liver
cancer if used regularly.
In Americas and other European countries, popular foods such as meat,
cheese, fish products and canned foods are radiologically treated to
preserve for the longest time span and invisible rays are at work within
the food. The accumulated rays and the chemicals deposited in the food
have the potential for causing abdominal cancer, the scientists say.
Busy life
Currently, most people who lead a hectic life are used to take meals
long after the stomach asks for food and they take meals just when their
busy tight schedule of work want them to. This creates numerous extra
troubles for a person.
Most people are dependent on instant food rather than home made food
and deplorably missout the vital fibrous food simply because they prefer
instant food or have to battle with a tight schedule of work in the work
place. The nutritionists spell out the presence of highly detrimental
properties lying hidden in the instant foods and they stress that the
“marvellous taste” has become the guardian for these toxic ingredients.
Most of us are used to eat “selected” food and are completely oblivious
of how much nutritional value it has because the “taste and feeling”
have overpowered our awareness of nutritional value and the harmful
effects of the selectiveness.
Therefore we miss the much vital fibre in food which fights of
abdominal disorders, kidney failures and possible cancer. Perhaps you
might have developed a predilection for some liquor just after your
miffy meal. You may think this is a fashionable eating when it is
encouraged by those around you and the attractive advertisements of
liquor on media but you never know when you are too late to understand
that your health has been irrevocably undermined.Some people mingle
their meals with a bit of liquor or habitually chew tobacco and betel
just after the meals. Although the narcotic effect of tobacco stimulates
a person, the constant chewing of betel and tobacco increases the
possibility of growth of cancer cells in the mouth as is authentically
proved by international researches. Another disastrous habit among
people is the extravagant consumption of oil which brings a person to a
point where he is unable to eat anything unless the food is blended with
oil in whatever form.
This fat intake redoubles the possibility of heart diseases too. Our
fashionable eating often features desserts with artificial sweet meats
like icecream, chocolate or watalappan instead of vital fruits. This
alone shows the gravity of what we call our food styles! |