Pakistan welcomes US aid package
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Friday welcomed a
giant US aid package for his country, voicing hope that alleviating
poverty would erode support for extremism.
Congress on Wednesday gave the final go-ahead for a five-year,
7.5-billion-dollar package to build schools, roads and democratic
institutions in the Islamic nuclear power, which re-established civilian
rule last year.
Qureshi, who is holding talks in Washington next week, voiced
appreciation for the package, acknowledging that the United States was
allocating the money despite a struggling economy at home."This is an
expression of commitment to Pakistan and the people of Pakistan because
better education, better health, improvement in physical infrastructure
will help the people of Pakistan," he told National Public Radio."The
Taliban and the extremists have been extracting out of poverty and the
misery of people in those areas. Obviously, when they're more
enlightened and they're more educated, then they would not join them."
Qureshi did not deny that many Pakistanis felt bitterness toward the
United States, which worked with Pakistan to force the Soviets out of
neighboring Afghanistan in the 1980s but then eased its involvement."You
abandoned us," he said.