Party frocks
by Chintha Hewage
Galina, holding Melina’s hand
watched the colourful night, sitting on the garden bench of their
uncle’s perfectly maintained garden. Galina was wearing a party frock
which her father had bought her when he was alive.
According to her mother the frock was in good condition though it was
a little old fashioned. However Melina was not that easily convinced.
Melina demanded a dazzling new frock, but Galina’s ten year old tiny
brain understood their mom did her best.
The garden was lighted by several spot lights and multicoloured
Though it was their one year old cousin’s birthday party, the
majority who enjoyed were their uncle’s alcoholic business friends of
whom the croaky laughs beat the hip hop music released from the player.
Galina watched her aunt come out rushing, in a flashy frock carrying
her one year old precious daughter. Unlike Galina and Melina their
cousin was wearing a beautiful and expensive fairy-like frock. Melina
noticed the fluffy flower that decorated her hair and decided it was
prettier than her own hair band. Aunt bustled over the little girl’s
frock and lighted the colourful candle on the colourful butterfly
birthday cake. Then she urged the little girl who didn’t know head or
tail of what is happening around her, to blow the candles. The little
boys and girls who were dressed in equally glitzy outfits attempted to
obtain a better look cropping around the cake while their mothers
struggled to pull them back.
The girl cut the cake horrified by the commotion the father’s drunken
friends made. After the cake was cut, their aunt pranced haughtily among
the guests serving the birthday cake.
Suddenly four eyes of two people met. The child and the adult. The
adult tried to belong in the glory and glitter while the child tried to
figure out what to be done.
Galina smiled happily to see her aunt had recognized her and waited
hopefully for her to welcome them warmly.
Aunt glanced at their old party frocks and looked away angrily.
In a while their mother’s brother walked towards them, smiling.
“Uncle!” cried Melina and Galina happily.
Twenty five years later Doctor Galina drove her car towards the same
perfectly maintained garden on a bright sunny day and honked in front of
the gate.
Twenty five years later, her aunt ran hastily towards the gate
smiling broadly to open her gate for Doctor Galina. |