Chimpanzees seen ‘mourning’ late friend
The huddled chimps pay
their respects to Dorothy.
Photo: Monica Szczupider/Solent |
A group of chimpanzees have been captured on camera apparently lost
in grief for the death of a friend. More than a dozen apes watched in
silence from their enclosure in Cameroon as the body of Dorothy, a chimp
in her 40s, was wheeled past for burial. Dorothy, who died of heart
failure, was described as a “prominent figure” within the group of about
25 chimps at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Centre, which cares for
orphaned animals whose mothers were killed for the illegal bushmeat
“We were burying Dorothy,” a spokeswoman for the centre said.
brought her in the wheelbarrow to let the others see. “I cannot emphasise enough how silent and still they were. Chimpanzees are
typically not like that. “They are loud, with short attention spans. It
was unbelievably emotional. We were awe struck.”
Two-headed snake found in couple’s drawer
A two-headed snake has been discovered in a drawer full of rubbish in
Illinois. When Jerry Williamson’s wife first told him she had found the
scary reptile he thought she was pulling his leg. But to his surprise
she was telling the truth.
Unfazed by the terrifying stigma attached to the two-headed Hydra of
Greek mythology the couple decided to keep the reptile. They were
worried it would not be able to survive on its own. They say it is a
North American water snake and has just shed its skin. The ‘Nerodia
sipedon’, as it is also known, is a large non-venemous snake active
during day and night.
‘Monster Shark’ chomps into great white
A giant shark that could be up to 20ft long has sent shockwaves
across Australian beaches after a great white was nearly bitten in half.
A stunning picture shows a 10ft predator thrashing about with two
massive chunks missing on either side of its body, off the Queensland
Experts said its rival may be 20ft long, judging by the size of the
huge bites. The great white was savaged after it got snared on a drum
line - a baited hook attached to a buoy - near North Stradbroke Island,
east of Brisbane. The wounded creature was still alive when a crew
hauled it onto a boat, close to Deadman’s Beach.
“It certainly opened up my eyes. I mean the shark that was caught is
a substantial shark in itself,” said Queensland Fisheries’ Jeff Krause.
Fisheries minister Tim Mulherin told the Mail that the capture of the
bitten shark - and the indication of a larger one feeding in the area -
bolstered the decision to keep defences in place. He added there were no
special plans to hunt the attacking shark but contractors had reset the
drum lines.
- Sky news