How to lose weight
Figuring out how to lose weight
is a challenge for many of us, particularly considering that the
quickest path to weight loss is different for everyone. Of course, the
common denominator is always proper diet and exercise, which not only
aid in weight loss, but also keeps you healthy. Of course you’ve heard
this before – the challenge is to follow through.
Step 1
Set small, realistic goals. If you have a lot of weight to lose, try
for 5 pounds, relax a bit and then go for 5 more.
Step 2
Start a regular exercise program and stick with it.
Step 3
Sneak in extra exercise in addition to your regular program. Park at
the far end of the parking lot and walk; take the stairs instead of the
Step 4
Healthy foods are an important ingredient in losing weight. Eat
healthy fats from nuts, seeds and olive oil, and high-fiber foods such
as vegetable salads and whole-grain pastas.
Step 5
Choose foods that you like. Learn to prepare healthful, low-calorie
foods that taste good by checking healthy cook books for new recipes.
Eating well doesn’t have to mean eating dull.
Step 6
Eat smaller, more frequent meals. This way, your body starts to
increase its metabolism so that calories are burned faster. Also,
mini-meals can prevent overeating.
Step 7
Plan ahead. Keep the fridge stocked with healthful food and you’ll be
less likely to run out for high-calorie, high-fat junk food.
Step 8
Determine your favorite snack time and be sure to have plenty of
healthful options available when you get hungry.
Step 9
Keep a food diary. This will help you pinpoint where you can improve
your diet.
• Avoid buying junk food by carrying around your own healthful foods
and leaving pocket change at home.
• Try oatmeal instead of cornflakes for breakfast – eating oatmeal can
help reduce cholesterol levels, and its high fibre content will keep you
full longer.
• Choose an exercise program that you enjoy, and don’t shun the
unconventional. For instance, did you know that regular vigorous dancing
is exercise too?
• Lose weight gradually – you are more apt to keep it off. A safe
amount is 1 to 1 1/2 pounds per week.
• Consult a doctor to find an exercise program that is best for you.
• Crash diets can help you lose weight quickly, but most people gain
the weight back. Some of these diets are also unhealthy and dangerous.
If you choose to go with a specific diet plan, choose one that is
medically credible.
• If you have any questions or concerns, contact a physician or other
health care professional before engaging in any activity related to
health and diet.