Millions in Mecca for Hajj:
Largest annual pilgrimage in the world
by Mohammed NAALIR
Depicting their brotherhood with each other, as usual, more than
three million Muslim devotees who thronged the Holy City of Mecca in
Saudi Arabia completed their Hajj pilgrimage yesterday.
The Al-Quran says Islam is the way of unity. This has been revealed
not to a small community, but to many around the globe. The especially
important factor in the Hajj pilgrimage is unity. There are no race,
state, rich or poor, colour or other differences or discriminations
during the Hajj pilgrimage. All are treated as equals.
Hajj is the world’s largest pilgrimage when a large number of Muslims
from all parts of the world throng one place. All pilgrims wear clothing
known as Ihram and except for the name of Allah, the pilgrims talk of
The Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca is described as the world’s largest
annual pilgrimage. It is the fifth pillar of Islam to be fulfilled,
based on one’s economic standards.
It is an ethical obligation that must be carried out at least once in
the lifetime of a Muslim. Every Muslim who has the capacity to maintain
his family and manage the cost of the pilgrimage should do so. The Hajj
is the demonstration of the solidarity of Muslims and their submission
to Allah.
The Hajj pilgrimage takes place from the seventh to 13th day of
Dhu-Al-Hijjah, which is the 12th month of the Islamic calendar. The
Islamic calendar is a lunar calendar and is 11 days shorter than the
Gregorian calendar which is presently used in the Western world. The
Gregorian date of Hajj changes from year to year.
Accordingly, the Hajj fell from December 17 to 21 in 2007, from
December 6 to 10 in 2008 and from November 25 to 29 in 2009.
The only dress to be worn by the pilgrims is the Ihram. Until they
complete the Hajj pilgrimage, they will be wearing only the Ihram. The
Ihram cloth must be white.
Focal point
During the Hajj pilgrimage each Muslim devotee must walk clockwise
seven times around the Kaaba, the cube-shaped building which is the
focal point and direction. Muslims throughout the globe perform prayers
five times a day and special prayers are conducted to get close to the
There are several compulsory activities to be carried out by a
pilgrim during the Hajj. Kissing the black stone in the corner of Kaaba
to wash away his or her previous sins, running back and forth between
the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah to remind and recall Mother Hajarah,
drinking water from the Zam Zam well with the hope that what one aims
for could be achieved, going to the plains of Mount Arafa to stand in
vigil and throw stones in the ritual of stoning the devil are some of
Then pilgrims shave their heads and perform ceremonial animal
sacrifices which is also an important part of the pilgrimage. Finally,
the Hajies will celebrate the three-day global festival.
On the completion or before the completion of the Hajj pilgrimage,
the pilgrims will travel to Medina where several important places
connected with Islamic history and Prophet Muhammad’s life are located.
On some occasions, the pilgrims, at the very outset would travel to
Medina to visit those places and thereafter leave for Mecca for Hajj. On
some occasions, the pilgrims will leave for Medina after fulfilling the
Hajj duty first.
Even though it is not a part of the Hajj pilgrimage every Hajj
devotee used to tour to Medina and Prophet Muhammad’s mosque, Masjid Al
Nabavi which contains Prophet Muhammad’s tomb and Raiz ul Jannah. The
pilgrims also visit the grave of the Prophet’s companions, Ummahathul
Momineen and Ahle Bait located in Jannathul Baqi.
As a symbol of unity, Hajj pilgrims generally travel in groups. With
the preaching of Al-Quran, this theme is strongly demonstrated during
the Hajj pilgrimage.
There are many regulations to be followed and many things to refrain
from during the Hajj pilgrimage. While wearing the Ihram, pilgrims must
not shave. Clipping nails is prohibited. Applying perfume, cursing and
quarrelling with each other must be avoided. While wearing Ihram for
Hajj having sexual relations is completely banned. Uprooting or damaging
plants must not be done while males should not cover the face and head.
Wearing shoes over the ankle, performing any dishonest acts and carrying
weapons are prohibited.
Finally, before leaving the Holy Mecca, the pilgrims will perform
farewell tawaf called the ‘Thawaf-Al-Wada’.
On Thulhaj, on the ninth day the devotees throng the Arafa ground and
attend a special sermon and beg for forgiveness from the Almighty.
Except the holy words of “Allahu Akbar Labbaique” no other words are
As Islam is a symbol of global unity, it stresses the co-relationship
not only with Muslims but also with those who follow other religions.
As it is a universal religion, there is a need for Muslims to build
mutual relationships with followers of other religions. Islam gives
maximum priority to brotherhood. Muslims all over the world celebrate
two festivals, namely Ramazan and Hajj.
The Muslims celebrate the Ramazan festival for their sacrifice paid
to the Almighty by fasting. Al-Quran also says this is the day when the
bond servants of Allah are given wages for their sacrifice. So Muslims
do not mourn on this day and celebrate.
Muslims worldwide celebrate Hajj to pay tribute to the incomparable
sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim 1500 years ago.
Every year, from the time of Prophet Ibrahim Muslims from various
parts of the globe have thronged Holy Mecca for the Hajj pilgrimage.
According to Islamic preaching, if one perfectly fulfilled the Hajj,
he or she becomes a sin-free, perfect and pure person. He or she would
be considered by the Almighty as a newly born child. Hajj seems to be a
means of purifying oneself from previous sins. According to one’s
economic strength, one must fulfil the Hajj duty at least once in one’s
lifetime. Each Hajj team is accompanied by a Moulavi who is familiar
with Holy Mecca and the activities to be carried out during the Hajj