Shedding light on young talent for a brighter future:
Sri Lanka’s first ever Hobby Fair!
A spark of interest can be the first step to greatness. This spark is
what the Rotary Club of Colombo in association with SLANA (Sri Lanka
Anti Narcotics Association) hopes to generate in Sri Lanka through the
“Hobby Fair 2010”. Organized in aid of Cancer and Drug Abuse Treatment
and Prevention, the Hobby Fair committee launches this unique event with
the primary goal of offering the younger generation an avenue to express
their creativity and talents.
Hobby Fair 2010 will take place on February 12, 13 and 14, 2010 at the
Sri Lankan Exhibition and Convention Centre. Although the three day
event will cater mainly to the youth, it is also open to all and any
amateur and professional hobbyists, artists, crafts persons and related
vendors of any age in order to create an effective multi-purpose forum
that connects both traditional and modern hobbies to facilitate new
To serve this multi-faceted purpose, participants will be able to
showcase their own hobbies, be it anything from traditional stamp
collecting, quilting and painting to the more diverse hobbies like body
piercing, electronics and graffiti art. Opening the fair to encompass a
broad and diverse range of hobbies is expected to not only help bring
unusual and hard earned achievements of hobby enthusiasts into the
limelight but also inspire young people to take their own talents and
turn it into a hobby with the potential to enrich their lives.
All interested applicants are requested to participate by downloading
the application at; picking it up from Sri Lanka
Anti Narcotics Association at No. 5, Kirimandala Mawatha, Nawala; or
sending a self addressed envelope to SLANA to receive an application.
All completed applications must be submitted on or before December 30,
2009 via email to [email protected], or posted to The Hobby Fair
2010, C/o SLANA, No. 5, Kirimandala Mawatha, Nawala. |