Medical Drugs – treatment
Modern hearing aids at reasonable prices. Hearing aids
worn inside the ear (digital wireless) invisible worn behind the ear. (Cochlear)
implant surgery for children with congenital hearing impairments and adults. JM
Wickramarachchi & Company - Nugegoda: 2815490, Kollupitiya: 2564533, Kandy:
081-2236560, Kurunegala: 037-2231669, Galle: 091-2226596.
Machinery tools for sale
Italian made fabric slitting machine, fully auto, fabric
inspection machine, tensile testing machine digital, riveting machine, double
clicking hyd-cutter 18 ton vacuumpump, 30ft conveyor, etc. 0777-369503.
TV / Radio / Hi Fi / For sale
Sony Bravia LCD TV model KLV-32T550A with visible
speakers brand new. Rs. 80,000/=. Contact 077-3476882.
VCR, CD, DVD & Games For Sale
Sony DVD/CD player model DVP-NS728HP brand new HDMI/USB
Rs. 25,000/=. Contact 077-3476882.
Gardens Indoor gardens, court yards, water falls, ponds,
mural. Vijaya Landscape 0112613566, 0112609395, 0785889599.
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