Somali pirates urged to release Lankan crew
Mohammed Rasooldeen in Riyadh
The Somali pirates who hijacked the Saudi ship Al-Nisr Al-Saudi on
Monday have said they will not harm the vessel’s crew, a Sri Lankan
diplomat told Sunday Observer on yesterday.Al-Nisr al-Saudi was hijacked
in the Gulf of Aden on Monday with a 14-member crew aboard, which
include 13 Sri Lankans and the ships’ Greek captain, Georgios Skalimis.
The tanker, owned by International Bunkering Co. (IBCO) was on its
way from Japan to Jeddah when it was hijacked. The hijackers have
demanded a $ 20 million ransom.
The ship is presently anchored on the coast of Somalia. “We have held
discussions with senior IBCO officials about the hijacked Saudi Arabian
vessel and urged them to expedite the release of the 13 Sri Lankan crew
members,” said Sabarullah Khan.
The crew members held in the ship included, Georgios Skalimis,
(Greek) and other Sri Lankans - Jacob Xavier, Venis Robinson Parceloan,
Hewa Pathage Ranga Jayasinghe, Wijemuni Elmo Ansalam Zoyza, Selvarasa
Rajavel, Balakrishnan Jayarajan, Robert Joseph, Kanagasabapathy
Thusyanantha, Arumai Sekeram Basil Rajah, Lakshmikanthan Gajenthiran,
Arockiasamy Pillai Britto Lawrence, Saverimuttu Atputharajah and
Rajagopal Jeyakumar.
IBCO is working with its insurer, the Saudi IACI Cooperative
Insurance Company, to facilitate negotiations with the pirates. Khan
added that the shipping company had established contact with the pirates
through satellite communication and that they had given reassurances
that they would not harm the Sri Lankan crew. London-based Protection
and Indemnity Club (P&I) is coordinating action between the pirates and
the insurance company, Khan said.
Sri Lankan High Commissioner in Kenya Jayantha Dissanayake said the
vessel was now in the region of Gurey off the coast of Somalia. As a
result of the incident, he has urged Sri Lankan nationals to refrain
from seeking employment on ships that sail across Somali waters. The
island’s Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said he will continue to
monitor the situation and take all necessary measures to expedite the
release of the Sri Lankans through Sri Lankan Missions in Saudi Arabia.