eSys Technologies introduces new displays
eSys Technologies Lanka (a subsidiary of EZY Holdings) introduced one
of the world's leading display technology brand "OAC" in Sri Lanka last
TPV Technology Limited the manufacturer of the AOC brand started a
partnership with eSys Technologies to distribute OAC display technology
products in Sri Lanka.
Introducing world’s leading display
technology brand “OAC” |
At the launching ceremony director, TPV Technologies, Taiwan, Mukesh
Gupta said that the company is in a very focused display technology
business and produce computer monitors and LCD TVs.
"AOC is the house brand of TPV Technology Limited (TPV), the world's
largest manufacturer of computer monitors. TPV Technology is a Taiwan
based, US$ 9.2 billion conglomerate, having sold more than 49 million
monitors worldwide during the year 2009.
The Company closed the year with a worldwide market share of 28.5%,
having sold 40 million monitors and nine million LCD TVs, Gupta said.
TPV Technologies is the largest OEM vendor of computer monitors with
45 - 50 % of the world OEM market share and the name behind most of the
big brands that are available worldwide today.
AOC intends to launch their full range of Display products which
includes computer LCD monitors, LCD Monitor TVs, and LCD TVs and make
them available in Sri Lanka through our sole Authorized Distributor -
eSys Technologies Lanka, he said. CEO eSys Technologies, Shafraz
Hamzadeen said that to develop technology in the country we need to
provide the best IT products.
Introducing AOC brand in Sri Lanka we have brought world's best
display technology into Sri Lanka.
With the launch of the entire range of displays, eSys is quite
optimistic that the AOC brand will become the number 2 brand in the
markets represented by us in Sri Lanka, by December 2010.
We believe we have the best infrastructure, most market driven system
and processes and most importantly, the best sales team for computer
hardware distribution in Sri Lanka. This is why we have become the best
in the industry.
We are selective of the brands we represent because we try to partner
ourselves with brands and products that add value to us and our
partners. However, when we select a brand we would then start pushing
that brand through our system to make it a market leader.
With AOC, we see a lot of value that we could add to each other as
well as our customers, Hamzadeen said.
With over 10 distribution offices touching over 500 computer partners
covering the whole of Sri Lanka, eSys has been successful in driving
every brand they partner, establishing it as the number 1 or 2 brand in
Sri Lanka within a short space of time.
In addition one in two computers sold in Sri Lanka is powered by eSys
said Group General Manager, Finance and Operations, EZY Holdings, Yaasir
Taiwan based, TPV Technology is listed on both the Hong Kong as well
as Singapore stock exchange since October 1999.
Companies look for technology to overcome market challenges
Global research shows organisations around the world look for
technology to help them meet the challenges of today's unpredictable
business environment and anticipate future business needs.
According to the global study, more than 90 percent of senior
business decision makers believe business cycles will continue to be
unpredictable in the next few years. Seven out of 10 believe this new
economy will change the way business planning works, HP announced.
Nearly 75 percent of business leaders say their technology department
is a fundamental enabler of their business' success. Eight out of 10
leaders think the new economy will require significantly more technology
focused on market-based needs.
"Technology is the sustaining force of any organisation.
To succeed, organisations must be adept at using technology to
navigate change and seize opportunities," said Ann Livemore, executive
vice president, HP Enterprise Business. "HP believes technology can and
should make a significant contribution to every organisation's ability
not just to cope, but to thrive. Our customers see this as well."
According to 84 percent of business leaders, innovation is critical
to their organisation's success in the new economy.
Two-thirds of these business leaders are using technology to identify
new business opportunities and 71 percent said they would invest in more
technology if they could see it was meeting time-to-market and business
opportunity needs.
The research also shows 80 percent of organisations indicated their
business and technology approach must be more flexible to meet changing
customer needs.
More than half of chief information officers (CIOs) globally are
being called upon to make frequent rapid changes in technology to
support the business (ranging from 65 percent in Latin America to 49
percent in Asia Pacific). Very few CIOs - only six percent overall-said
they are never called upon to make rapid changes in technology to meet
changing business needs.
Looking forward two to three years, 62 percent of all CIOs agreed
they would frequently have to make rapid changes to their technology
Eighty-nine percent of organisations in all regions believe it is
possible that companies that go back to the old ways of planning
business growth and market development will lose out to those that
master the effective use of technology in the unpredictable business
Aepona picked for OneAPI Commercial Pilot
Aepona, a global provider of telecoms software products and services
headquartered in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and with a software
development centre (Aepona International Lanka (Pvt) Limited) in
Colombo, announced that it has been selected by the GSMA for its launch
of the world's first commercial implementation of OneAPI, a
groundbreaking initiative that aims to make it much easier for
application providers and enterprises to mobile-enable their
applications and services across multiple operators. The service is
being launched in Canada as a commercial Pilot, connecting to the three
major Canadian mobile operators - Bell Mobility, TELUS and Rogers
The GSMA chose Aepona as its prime contractor and platform supplier
for the Pilot following a rigorous selection process. Aepona is
providing its Universal Service Platform (USP) together with managed
services, including application provider on-boarding, developer support
and platform management.
In delivering the Pilot platform, Aepona is working with Transaction
Network Services (TNS), who is providing the hosting infrastructure and
operational services and expertise required to implement a
carrier-grade, highly available commercial system.
Graham Trickey, Senior Director at the GSMA responsible for the
OneAPI initiative said: "We have been working with Aepona since the
beginning of the OneAPI project in 2008, initially to implement the
OneAPI Reference Implementation which was successfully launched at
Mobile World Congress in 2009.
Since that time, we've made significant progress in developing a
commercial framework for OneAPI, and I'm delighted that we are now in a
position to launch a real commercial OneAPI service - an achievement
that has been helped by the expertise and dedication of the Aepona team.
Aepona was chosen because its platform combines the essential
business and technical functions for an aggregated commercial API
service into an integrated solution." Aepona's CEO, Al Snyder, said: "We
are delighted to have been selected by the GSMA on this pioneering
project. The OneAPI Commercial Pilot in Canada demonstrates Network as a
Service and Mobile Cloud Computing in action, where OneAPI-based Telco
resources can be accessed on-demand via the Cloud and mashed-up with Web
and Device APIs to create or enhance almost any web, device, enterprise
or desktop application.
This initiative will benefit the entire mobile and web applications
community, from consumers, developers and enterprises through to mobile
operators and aggregators. We commend the GSMA's leadership in helping
to drive the Mobile Cloud Computing vision towards commercial reality." |