Will 2010 turn out to be 2012?
by Prabuddha ATHUKORALA
Mayans predicted that this world known by us will no longer be in
existence by Dec 2012. In fact, the 2012 apocalypse theory has made
headlines all around the world to such an extent, that many intellects
have openly started debating about the possible outcomes. Yet, opinion
is still divided while most are on the grounds that it is nothing but a
false alarm.
Mother Nature may have a totally different plan. If one looks over
the events that occurred during the past two months a horrid pattern
begins to emerge, and if that is anything to go by, 2010 could well turn
out to be a year nature takes its toll on us on heavy proportions.
The best example occurred on the eve of 12th January, when the
normally peaceful town of Port-au-Prince (capital of Haiti) suddenly
shot to limelight. Haitians didn't have a clue what had hit them and by
the time they came to grips with the situation, carnage of the
earthquake had been already done.
Even though, it was only a magnitude 7 quake, the trail of
destruction was enormous. Three million people were affected and over
200,000 identified as dead is testimony enough for the effect it has had
on the Haiti life.
Just as Haiti was recovering from its calamities, a more powerful
tremor which recorded as high as 8.8 on the Richter scale shocked Chile
a few days ago. However, with its past for earthquake related activities
Chileans were far better prepared to handle this disaster. As a result,
a potentially major catastrophe was avoided and the casualties were
limited to hundreds.
The affects of the earthquake propagated through the Pacific and was
felt in areas as far as Japan and Australia in the form of tsunami
Apart from these major events recently we also heard news that a
massive iceberg split off from Antarctica's Mertz Glacier. Scientists
are increasingly warning that the threat such events could have on the
world weather patterns and eventually on ocean circulation system.
And the list doesn't end there, as there were reports of strong
gushes of wind sweeping across Western Europe.
The storm Xynthia swept across countries such as France, Spain and
Portugal damaging many homes and leaving more than a million households
without electricity.
In some areas the hurricane caused water levels to rise, resulting in
Thus, it is quite clear that the frequency of natural disasters
occurring has increased at a frightening rate. And if nature continues
to play with its inhabitants for the rest of the year, we face the
prospect of experiencing many unpleasant experiences. With all this, it
makes one wonder if the Mayans miscalculated by 2 years, and if 2010
could turn out to be the dreaded 2012......