Body language signs of attraction
Body language, both consciously
chosen and not, is a huge part of communication. Humans use body
language to show signs of attraction. Body positions that are indicative
of physical attraction include legs crossed and pointing towards you,
one or both feet pointed towards you, or their whole torso squarely
facing you. Making excuses to touch you while speaking (the back of your
hand and shoulder) also is indicative of attraction.
The proximity of the other person to you is another sign of
attraction. The closer they are, the more interested they are. However,
it is important to note the appropriate amount of personal space in a
social interaction differs from culture to culture and region to region.
The eyes have it
The eyes also offer many clues to whether someone is attracted to
you. In most social interactions, one makes regular eye contact with the
person they are speaking to, while also looking at the person’s general
presentation including hand gestures and posture. In the case of
attraction, the eyes will make regular eye contact, but also linger on
particular details of the face such as the mouth and sweeping across the
hair. This is demonstrative of the interested party trying to learn more
about you.
Another common eye behaviour that can indicate attraction is making
eye contact and looking away. This behaviour is more common in women
than men, and is less prevalent in younger women who may feel less
social expectation to be submissive and wait for the man to approach in
a social situation. That said, it is still quite common. Some people
even use this eye behaviour intentionally as a part of flirtation, but
it also can happen reflexively. Look carefully to see if they raise
their eyes to make eye contact again after looking away. This is how you
can be sure they are actually attracted to you, as opposed to just
feeling awkward.
The final clue the eyes can provide to attraction is pupil dilation.
The pupils will generally dilate in cases of attraction. However, it is
important to consider other factors in pupil dilation including the
lighting in the room and whether alcohol (which also can encourage pupil
dilation) has been consumed.
Face your attraction
Other subtle clues on the face include a brief raising of the
eyebrows, which can be interpreted as a questioning or approval seeking
gesture. Parting the lips slightly and even a nostril flare can all be
unconscious indicators of attraction, too.Drawing attention to the face
also can be an indicator of attraction. Be on the lookout for the person
touching their face near the eyes.
Look at me
A person who is attracted to you will also try to show their body off
to the best advantage, meaning they’ll sit or stand straighter.
Additionally, women will generally thrust their chests out or lean
against something so as to show off the curve from their bust to their
waist to their hips.
Men, by contrast, will sit or stand with their legs apart and head
held high. They are also likely to roll up their shirt sleeves to show
off strong arms.Nervous gestures also can indicate attraction. These
include reaching repeatedly for a drink, smoothing down a blouse,
straightening a tie, and even fidgeting with the hair.
While the best way to find out if someone is attracted to you is to
ask, looking at unconscious body language can help you determine whether
you should pose the question in the first place. Additionally,
understanding the body language of attraction can help you decide
whether you’re sending the signals you want to be sending.