Love pool
It was a Friday in December 2009 I was walking to the library and I
saw someone special and familiar there. Yes, it was him, Sh*n*l. That
was not the first time we met. I have met him in an English course. But,
we met after about a year and we were talking for long. He didn't say
anything special. But that evening he called me and expressed his love
for me.
I couldn't respond to him at one stretch as I never expected such a
thing from him; therefore, I asked him to give me time to think. Though
I thought for hours, I couldn't find a reason to deny him. So, I
expressed him my love.
We were lovers for a few weeks. I could realise that with my studies,
I couldn't pay attention and care for him as much as he expected. So, I
thought to let him find another girl who can love and care for him more
than I. I asked him to wait until I finished my studies.
He was too nice and said nothing but OK! That was the last day I saw
him. My heart is still smarting and still I love my prince who was in my
short love story. The very first message he sent me is still moistening
my eyes and cheeks.
"My precious love is a gift, you have given me,
"You know who I am and all I want to be,
"I see you in my heart, my soul is in your eyes,
"You are the one I feel, I hear you when you sigh.."
Love lines
You kissed my heart goodbye
When my love expanded beyond sky
Wishing entire world's happiness
Should I live with this emptiness?
Pain of your departure will never be cured
The love we shared will always be secured
The love in my heart will never be changed
Though we had no option but to leave
The truth of my love will lead you to a better life
The success will wrap your every side
One empty heart will never need to cry
Though you had kissed it goodbye.
- Moushi Samarasena