Pamela Anderson asks Canada to end seal hunt
The Canadian actress and spokeswoman for People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals sent a letter on Saturday to Canada’s Prime
Minister Stephen Harper requesting an end to the country’s annual seal
The letter included signatures from more than 50,000 people who want
the annual hunt to end permanently. Anderson called the hunt “an
embarrassment to Canada”. She has made the appeal during the Winter
Olympic Games because “the whole world is watching Canada.”
Canada’s annual East Coast seal hunt from mid-November to mid-May,
mostly in Newfoundland and Labrador and in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is
the largest in the world, killing an average of 275,000 harp seals.
The hunt has long been controversial. Animal rights groups believe it
is cruel, poorly monitored and provides little economic benefit. Seal
hunters and Canadian authorities say it is sustainable, humane and
provides income for isolated communities. Anderson’s plea may fall on
deaf ears after Harper and his Cabinet dined on seal last August in
support of the industry.
- AP
Jason Mesnick a bachelor no more!
The flip-flopping former Bachelor has married his winner
second-banana soulmate Molly Malaney in a made-for-TV ceremony. The
reality romantics swapped vows as cameras rolled in the rain at the the
Terranea Resort in the Los Angeles beach suburb of Rancho Palos Verdes.
Jason’s son, Ty, who played a big role on The Bachelor, was also among
the 300 attendees.
The 33-year-old Mesnick proposed to Rycroft on the 2009 season finale
of The Bachelor and then dumped her six weeks later during the reunion
special to rekindle the flames with runner-up Malaney, 25. Mesnick
popped the question in October in New Zealand, where he’d initially
given her the boot.
The happy day will be edited over the coming days and transformed
into the special The Bachelor: Jason and Molly’s Wedding.
- eonline.com