Women challenging women...
Are you a woman ? May be you are a young girl or one in your
adolescence. You may belong to one of the categories I am going to
describe here. Think which category you belong to. You may hate yourself
for being in the wrong category or you may hate me for identifying and
analyzing your category ! But the bitter truth is all women belong to
some sort of category. This is not about some women in one social class
or one profession. It is about all types of women everywhere. So you do
not need to worry. What we all need to be worried about is the quality
of Sri Lankan women. It is because they are the reflection of our
country, our valuable culture, traditions and especially social ethics.
Do you know that it is women who challenge women most of the time ?
No matter who challenges whom or how they are going to be challenged.
One woman or a group of women challenges another woman or a group of
women in order to gain something. Most of the times it is the attention
of the opposite sex ! Women do not challenge other women just to win the
attention of males. They never stop there. The next step is using what
they won to gain something else ! Something more....something good....
International Women's Day comes and goes. We celebrate it with
ceremonies, competitions and many more programs. Sometimes we offer
awards for some women who had shown their talents and bravery. We talk
about all the good qualities. How about the bad qualities of women ? Why
cannot we talk about them ? What stops us from discussing the bad
qualities of women ? But all of us agree with one fact. That is
criticism should be constructive. The real critics always point out both
plus and minus points of an entity. So why see only beauty, kindness,
tender and flowery side all the time when there is an ugly, harsh and
thorny side as well ? No one can call this `being pessimistic' !
Here comes the first category of women ! Check whether you belong to
this category. These women are the real challenge to any woman / women.
They are well-educated, well-qualified and well-trained on the job no
matter what they are doing at present. They are very talented too. They
are feminine, pretty and sexy. They go everywhere they want and get away
with whatever they need. No matter who throw what type of challenges at
them. Although they are pretty and sexy, they do not need to `use' those
things to gain certain things. It is because they have the education,
qualifications, experience and talent. Males are `not existing' for them
Then comes the second category. They have nothing but the beauty and
an attractive body with a little bit of talent. That is more than enough
for them to gain things ! They can face any challenge with those two
lethal weapons. They always win the main challenge, winning the
attention of the opposite sex very easily. There is no competition at
all for them. They get away with, use the attention they get and acquire
most of the other things quickly and easily. If they are cunning enough,
they do not need to `sacrifice' anything in order to gain opportunities
and benefits. But sometimes their lack of `64 Maayams' force them to
sacrifice minor things in order to gain major things ! But the women who
belong to this category do not care about it at all.
Here comes the most dangerous....third and last category ! What do
you think ? What type of women belong to this category ? Do they need to
worry about their reputation ? No, not at all. It is because they do not
have a reputation ! This category has almost nothing with them.
They are not pretty at all,not feminine and not even kind and tender.
They face all challenges with no weapons at all. But you may not
believe....they win every challenge they face without any competition at
all ! They have only one thing for their advantage. You cannot call it
`something' because biologically the female body belongs to each and
every woman in this world. But they get away with everything using this
incredible `weapon' (may be with a little bit of brain) !
Motherhood is the main shield used by women against any type of
challenge. Especially the women who belong to the third category I just
described, always seek the protection of motherhood whenever they face
trouble. They do whatever they want and get away with whatever or
whoever they need and at last get the cover of motherhood whenever they
are being confronted. The funniest and most hilarious part is not that.
The women belonging to third category seek the shelter in womenhood when
they face trouble. They use their womanhood as their only weapon to gain
things and use the same as their shelter at the same time ! Here there
is one plus point. It is, if they do this with another woman (superior
to them) they never get away without paying for their dirty acts /
offenses. But unfortunately they can get away with anything if they face
a male superior !.
The breed of women who belong to the third type is a very clear
threat to our valuable culture, traditions and social ethics.
Because they do not care for anything especially about the Sri Lankan
culture, traditions and social ethics. They do not promote any of them.
What they do is, destroying themselves and encouraging other women to do
the same. They never teach their daughters how to grow up as a real Sri
Lankan citizens because they never did it themselves. Motherhood is just
a shield for them. Children are another tool or `tactic' for them to be
used in order to avoid trouble or escape from trouble.
This story is not about one place...one person...one occasion or one
social class! It is about each and every human being. No matter who you
are, where you are or what you do, it can be your own experience at any
Maybe you have already experienced / practised what I have just
mentioned ! May be you are planning to practise it to win your next
target or going to be experienced soon because of the new `lady' just
joined your family / workplace / group of friends.
No matter what type of problem we face we have our own ways of facing
and beating them.
But how about protecting the image of our country ? It is women who
should do it and who should teach children how to do it.