Mahasivarathri - day long fast and night - long vigil
Mahasivarathri which is one of the most important festivals of Hindus
dedicated to Lord Siva falls on Saturday March 13. On this day devotees
will fast and keep vigil throughout the night repeating the words "Om
Sivaya Nama'.
Poojas will be conducted at Sivan Temples during the four quarters of
the night accompanied with devotional songs, mantra recitation, the
lighting of the Sacred homefire and the rendering of classical dances
dedicated to Lord Siva.
God is omnipotent and all pervasive. By the nature of these qualities
He is formless. But, in order to enlighten his devotees He assumes
innumerable human like forms. On Mahasivarathri Day Lord Siva manifests
Himself in the form of a Lingam. Further, Lord Siva assumes various
forms in pursuance of His divine spirit.
The prime manifestation with the form of the formless Siva is known
as Lingabhavanaz Moorthi and He is said to make His appearances in that
form at Midnight on Mahasivarathri day. On the auspicious occasion of
Mahasivarathri Lord Siva performs the ecstatic dance of Nataraja.
This Divine Dance is the thrilling expressions of God realisation by
one who has transcended the limitation of the material layers of one's
personality. This Divine Dance portrays the world being formed and
dissolved. The cosmic activity is the central motive of the dance. Lord
Siva's dance posture balancing as one foot signifies the single pointed
attainment of a man of realisation with the absolute realisation.
The dwarfish demon which is crushed under Lord Siva's foot represents
the ego. When the ego and desires are kept under control the man of
perfection experiences within himself the pure transcendental essence of
The desires which constitute the limited ego or individuality
represent the lower nature of man. This lower nature is likened to a
serpent. A perfect control of the lower nature by the higher proclaims
the dignity and glory of man/
This idea is symbolised by Lord Siva adorning himself with a coiling
serpent around His neck. The continuous chain of creation and
destruction maintains the entire universe. In other words, the universe
itself exists because of the continuous process of creation and
Rathri means night when it is dark. Darkness stands for lack of
knowledge. Lord Siva's dance on Mahasivarathri indicates that his
transcendental experience of the reality is unknown to the rest of
Even Lord Siva's consort Parvathi was destroyed by one stare. This
signifies that the man of perfection possesses the fire of pure
knowledge, in the light of which ignorance, passion and egoistic
arrogance disappears which leads to absolute beauty, peace and bliss.
Furthermore, in every Sivan Temple there is Nanthy (bull) which is
the Vahana of Vehicle of Lord Siva. It is always found facing
Shivalingam in the places of worship.
In fact, Nanthy represents Dharma. It is very often said that the
world revolves not round the inventors of new noises, but round the
inventors of values, thus said a German poet. It is by Dharma that
civilisation is maintained. Therefore, the Nanthy which is the vehicle
of Lord Siva represents Dharma.
Indeed, there is a flag for every nation, every religion and every
political party without any exception. They hoist these flags on all
important occasions and the whole world comes to know of their
respective celebrations on account of their flags. But, there is no such
flag common to Hindus to be hoisted during festivals anywhere in the
Realising this Divine Service the World Saiva Council's (Sri Lanka)
Vice President and Trustee of the Colombo Saiva Munnetra Sangam
Vidaikody Sinnadurai Dhanabalah and secretary of the world Saiva Council
(Sri Lanka) M. Kathirgamanathan and several other eminent personalities
like Subramaniam Chettiar, Trustees of the New Kathiresan Temple,
Bambalapitiya have taken all possible steps to hoist the Nanthy Flag on
Mahasivarathri Day.