More listings merrier for CSE
Corporates coming on board at the Colombo Stock Exchange augurs well
for Sri Lanka's capital market growth said capital market experts.
Many small to medium scale corporates are eager to join the Stock
Exchange and make capital gains through the equity market.
Corporates have been invited to join Stock Exchange following the
high investor sentiments on the market and opportunities to raise equity
in a competitive environment.
Market sources said that there would be around 12 new entries to the
stock exchange by the end of the year. Renuka Agri and Ceylon Tea
Brokers were the latest entrants to the stock market. The CSE is the
only Stock Market in the country established under the Companies Act No.
17 of 1982 licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri
Lanka (SEC) to operate as Stock Exchange.
The Stock Exchange provides a liquid, open market for buying and
selling shares and debentures of publicly owned companies.