Ceylinco Life's top performers feted at awards gala
Ceylinco Life's top performers were handsomely recognised at a
stirring awards gala recently for contributions that enabled the life
insurance leader maintain its position at the helm of the industry in
This year's event themed `One Family, One Goal' We are Ceylinco
Life's honored 225 of the company's 5000 strong sales team for their
efforts which led the company to achieve a premium income of more than
Rs. 7.5 billion, and retaining its leadership for a sixth consecutive
year. Addressing the ceremony, Ceylinco Life Deputy Chairman R.
Renganathan said that 2009 was the most challenging year to date for the
We can say that 2009 challenged and tested all aspects of our company
including the ability of staff, our IT system, our products and customer
service, but that every one of them passed with flying colours, he said.
However, if we did not have such challenges, we may not have had the
success we enjoy today, Renganathan said, pointing out that challenges
bring out the best in people and companies.
The year was also one of the noteworthy achievements and success, he
said. The construction of a new Head Office building and its completion
took place in the midst of these challenges, and the company's actuaries
had reported that its solvency margin had increased even further,
Renganathan said.
In his address, Dr. Uditha Liyanage, Director of the Post Graduate
Institute of Management, who was the Guest of Honor at the event,
categorised the company's sales professionals as VIPs, as it was they
who produced the sales and the Rupees that sustain the business.
He said 50 years of research into what makes a successful salesman
had identified two fundamental factors, `Drive' and `Empathy'.
All successful sales people have drive and are able to go beyond
their ability and step in to the zone of capability, he said.
Ceylinco Life's Best Branch Head - Platinum Category T. Nirojan
(left) of the Nelliady Branch receives his award from the company's
Deputy Chairman R. Renganathan.
Ceylinco Life's Best Branch Head - Gold Category H. M. J. Banda
(left) of the Kaduruwela Branch receives his award from company's Deputy
Chairman R. Renganathan.