The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce turns 171
The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) celebrates 171 years of
exemplary service to the business community this year. Established on
March 25, 1839, CCC is among the few legendary institutions in the Asia
Pacific region to hold such an unbroken record.
Over the years, CCC has evolved to cover all sectors of the economy
and now identifies itself as a Confederation of Regional and Sectoral
Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Trade Associations, Employer
Associations and Bilateral Business Councils.
Playing a catalytic role in the development of the business sector,
it initiates action to identify future trends, focuses on key issues,
and assists in the development of strategic plans to meet new challenges
and opportunities.
It also maintains close links with the government sector and
multilateral aid agencies and provides a platform for the Private Sector
to discuss issues affecting industry.
CCC's role extends to that of an intermediary between the public and
private sectors.
Placed in an enviable position of pre-eminence in its membership
coverage, business acumen and range of services, while being responsive
to the needs of business in times of rapid change, it has expanded its
scope and expertise to areas as diverse as Human Resources and
Education, Law and Order, Financial and Legal Sector Reforms, CSR and
Public Awareness. It is further enriched with sector specific/regional
experience and expertise through its approved Associations and Regional
Chambers, which have taken it to the grass roots level of business.
Under the leadership of Chairman, Dr. Anura Ekanayake, Vice Chairman
Susantha Ratnayake and Suresh Shah as Deputy Vice Chairman, the CCC's
activities are steered by Harin Malwatte as Secretary General/ CEO and
supported by a highly experienced and qualified staff.