Splendour of romantic love
has divided human beings into two sexes - males and females - with a
purpose. In the right atmosphere they are attracted to each other
romantically. Long before the institution of marriage came into being,
they were sexually united and produced children to propagate the human
Unlike animals that indulge in sex for the pleasure of it, human
beings usually fall in love before marriage and then enjoy conjugal
bliss. Literature, paintings, music and poetry sprang out of this
element of romantic love which remains a mystery in every age.
Unlike romantic love, desire is temporary. Animals desire to have sex
but they do not develop love affairs. Once their desire is satisfied,
animals do not care for their partners. Although human beings also can
stoop to this level, when a man and a woman fall in love, they usually
stick to each other through thick and thin.
is the ideal period for romantic love. Young girls look for their heroes
in films, novels, and in the real world. Young males too look for their
dream girls. Some of them will want to see a Helen in every woman they
meet. Others may look for partners with different qualities. When they
meet the most agreeable person, they fall in love and experience a
strange and novel sensation they had never enjoyed before. A young girl
will find herself enveloped in a luminous haze when she meets her prince
charming. Similarly, even a youth will find himself elevated to a state
of ecstasy when he meets his dream girl.
Sometimes, love at first sight occurs as in the case of Romeo and
Juliet. According to an old Greek myth, there were no separate men and
women in the world. There was only one type of human species. However,
on an appeal made by them, a Greek god had separated them into men and
women. After that the separated halves had been continuously looking for
their other halves! According to this myth, romantic love begins when
you meet your other half.
As a rule, you cannot force anyone to fall in love with you. It
simply happens. Sometimes, it happens unilaterally. For instance, a man
may fall in love with a woman, but she may not reciprocate. Literature
is full of such unrequited love and most of us have experienced such
situations. "I love him so much, but why doesn't he respond?" is a
constant complaint made by women. Similarly, a man may face the same
situation when his love is not returned by the woman.
Why do we love members of the opposite sex? When you are in love, you
simply cannot answer such questions. We cannot give reasons for our love
towards a member of the opposite sex. The birth of love, as Andre
Maurois says, is the work of nature. Real incidents and fiction give us
many instances where a man and a woman simply fall in love without any
obvious reason. For instance, Wronsky, getting off the train, says to
himself, "Madam Karenina is very beautiful." That was the beginning of a
fascinating love affair beautifully described in Tolstoy's "Anna
Karenina" . In real life situations, you look at a particular person and
that might trigger a long-lasting love affair.
Romantic love is exciting, beautiful and mysterious. Women in love
always come late to meet their lovers. This appears to be something
universal. It is said that a woman's strength lies in being late or
absent. Firstly, absence makes the heart grow fonder. Secondly, when she
appears late, a process called "crystallisation" takes place making the
absent person, usually the woman, encrusted with crystals! This may be
the reason why we do not see faults in our loved ones.
Romantic love brings us nothing but extreme happiness. Unfortunately,
this is the time we begin to entertain suspicion. Man begins to question
the woman's fidelity. Woman begins to question the man's commitment.
However, this phase will soon pass with a little bit of mutual
understanding. Sometimes, we find it extremely difficult to understand
our partners. But this is quite normal in romantic love.
Keeping the flame of romantic love burning is a major problem for
many lovers. When unattended, romantic love begins to wither away. We
can rekindle the dying embers of romantic love by offering genuine
Both men and women love to be praised. If you praise the beauty of a
woman who knows that she is good looking, it will not make an impact.
If you can praise her intelligence, she will really appreciate it.
Similarly, a woman can praise a novelist for writing an impressive
novel. But he will not be impressed. If she praises him for his conduct
at a party, he will pay some attention.
Romantic love's mortality rate is very high. Therefore, constant care
is necessary to keep it going. You may have seen lovers holding hands
and whispering sweet nothings for hours on end. However, when they
settle down to a humdrum marriage, they run short of topics to talk
about. This is the time you begin to resent the very presence of your
partner. This sad situation can be avoided with a little more care.
Although young lovers may not need advice on romantic love, married
couples will have to develop an aptitude for love. If you genuinely love
your partner, keep in touch with him or her wherever you happen to be. A
casual conversation or a little praise will freshen up a diminishing
In love and friendship we have to respect the temperament of the
other person. If your partner is a hot-tempered woman, try not to change
her. It will only aggravate the situation. We cannot change people
overnight. Such a process will take a long time. A lot of unpleasant
situations can be avoided through patience, silence and affection.
With all the knowledge available to us, our understanding of romantic
love remains limited in scope. Many social psychologists believe that
love is too difficult to observe and study in a scientific way.
However, romantic love remains the most fascinating feeling we can
enjoy. |