Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 2 May 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

Dear Erica

Dear Erica,

I’m a 19-year-old guy. I have a pair of long upper canine teeth in my mouth (longer than normal) which has been giving me mental torment from my childhood. My family and friends have gotten used to it but every time I smile, they get a shock and shudder at the sight of seeing my monster teeth. I feel that I am cursed and sometimes this irritation is driving me crazy. I have awful nicknames among my friends like ‘Werewolf’, ‘Sabre-toothed’ and ‘Beast’.

Even though they do not mean any harm by calling me like that, I am deeply hurt by it. Shall I get rid of my canine teeth neglecting the damage it can bring to my face? How can I live with it? Please give a solution.

- Cursed

Dear Cursed,

I’m sorry that you have to go through uncomfortable situations because of having canine teeth. We are all made in a special way but not cursed. The most difficult part is learning to accept oneself as one is, to love and respect yourself for who you are in your outer and inner make. Once you’ve overcome the fact that you can accept yourself, then it’s easier to deal with the rest.

However, if you consider shaping up your teeth, I would suggest you get some advice from a dental professional and go through the options you’ve been offered. You need to be aware of all the complications, side effects and benefits that you will get out of it.

Go through them carefully and be fully informed about what you’re getting yourself into. But you have to always know that good looks does not always count and there are loads of people out there who’ve shown that a strong and vibrant personality can do magic and make you stand out in a crowd. So, on the other hand if you’re strong enough to accept your weakness and determined to live with it go ahead, be yourself! The choice is in your hands.

Dear Erica,

I am 28-year-old guy from a respectable family and I don’t have any respect for girls from my childhood. I feel that they’re unrespectable, they don’t know what they are talking about and laugh loudly. So I have always refused to be in their company from the time I was schooling.

I do respect my female family members to some extent. As my mother was a school teacher, I always respected and liked school teachers. So I want to marry a school teacher. My parents are bringing in numerous proposals but I don’t want to accept them since I always wanted to marry a teacher.

-The Teacher Effect

Dear Teacher Effect,

If you want to marry a teacher then you have to tell your parents about your wishes and ask them to look for one who would eventually be your life partner. But at the same time, you have to work on changing your attitude regarding women. I think your opinion that all women except your family and teachers are unrespectable, loud and poor communicators is rather immature on your part.

I presume you’ve had a very close relationship with your mother and you are a Mama’s boy? Is this why you hold a high opinion of only teachers and not others? What if you actually find a teacher and she turns out to be not as you imagined? What if Ms. Right comes your way and she’s not a teacher? Is it her that you love, respect and cherish or is it her profession? So take time to rethink your options, to change your attitudes and be a bit more practical. All the best to you!

Dear Erica

I am an A/L commerce student who will take the exam in two years. I still have no clue about what I wish to do for my higher studies. Most of my student friends have future plans, but I’m just undecided. I think by having a goal now it would guide me into the right path. I have already decided to do teaching as a part-time career after my A/L and to probably follow a degree in human resources (HR) management. The idea of doing HR came up to me recently, and I doubt whether I will even stick to it. Please advise.

-The A/L Student

Dear A/L Student,

Most students in your age go through similar problems. They tend to get a bit confused about what they want to do, what they really like to do or what options they have in their hands. This is why you find youngsters going back to university or higher education even after they get themselves employed or become mature. Don’t get confused or stressed over the fact that you don’t have a goal to start with.

You’ve already showed some interest in teaching and Human Resource management so at least you’re thinking and going through your options. It’s important to clear your doubts and work through your set objectives. It’s also important for you to analyze your skills and competencies in order to find out what you would really like to do after you’re A/L exam. Meanwhile, there’s an exam to study so get back to your books and try to get some good grades. Good luck!

Erica’s Quote of the Week:-

‘By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest’ - Confucius

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