Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 2 May 2010





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Shelter for homeless, my top priority - Wimal Weerawansa

Construction, Engineering Services, Housing and Common Amenities Minister Wimal Weerawansa who had built a reputation as a born orator made lots of sacrifices towards the attempts made by the President and the government to achieve lasting peace in the country.

Hailing from a humble stock as a person who launched his political career from one of the country’s marxist political parties, he was quite aware of the hardships faced by the people. President Mahinda Rajapaksa hand-picked him to oversee four most important functions-construction, engineering services, housing and common amenities. Minister Weerawansa in an exclusive interview with the “Sunday Observer” outlined his future plans to develop the four key subjects which came under his purview.

Q: As a significant milestone in your political career, this is the first time that have been given a ministerial portfolio and that too, of Cabinet rank. How do you feel?

A: From the start my political career was full of challenges. I faced several challenges but I came forward. I had the courage to face all those challenges. I have solid confidence that I would be able to succeed. Everyone will witness this in the near future.

Q: Do you think your Ministry has the ability to render a significant service to the country?

A: I have been given two Cabinet ministerial portfolios which were earlier held by two different ministers. The construction and engineering services portfolio was held by Minister Rajitha Senarathna while the Housing and Common Amenities portfolio was held by Minister Ferial Ashraff.

Now I have to bear the responsibility of the two Ministers. I feel the Housing and Common Amenities Ministry can play a vital role to overcome the ‘shelter’ problem of those who do not have a permanent shelter.

At present there is a shortage of funds to implement its new housing projects. In addition, the construction of houses are carried out by different ministries. Despite all handicaps the Housing Ministry has the capacity to render a significant service to provide permanent shelter to low income families.

The Construction and Engineering Services Ministry can also provide an immense service to those who have engaged in the construction industry sector. Under this massive development drive launched by the Government, more opportunities have been created for the construction industry.

It is vital to create a high standard and provide necessary guidelines to the construction industry sector. Initiatives should also be taken to increase the Government’s share in the construction industry sector while more opportunities should be created for the private sector contractors within the local and foreign market as well.

The challenges before me is to successfully fulfil these responsibilities entrusted upon me. I will try my level best to achieve the targets of the Ministry.

Q: How does your Ministry plans to overcome the shelter problem of low income families?

A: Provision of a house to a houseless family means that we have fulfilled one of their key basic needs. According to “Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma”, arrangements have been made to construct 600,000 houses for those who do not have shelter, within the next six years. It is one of the key responsibilities given to me to reach this target. I intend to start a national housing program to overcome the housing problem of low income families, public servants and those who have engaged in foreign employment and various other professions.

The main challenges faced by us is to obtain sufficient funds to implement the housing program. At present, the most of the income gained through “Sevana Lottery” is utilised by the Treasury. I hope to discuss with the President to find some solution to this problem of funds to implement this housing program. Attention will also be focused on other avenues to collect funds and go for a massive housing program. We will educate the public on this program within the next one and half months.

Q: How do you intend to provide shelter and other common amenities to the people in the Northern and Eastern provinces who were faced with severe hardships in the past due to terrorist activities?

A: The housing problem is one of the burning issues faced by people in the North and the East. The Nation Building Ministry and various other organisations have already commenced several housing projects to overcome the housing problem of the people in these two provinces. Some of those projects have been completed already and the people have already been re-settled in their homes. My Ministry also intends to commence a new housing program on behalf of these people. We have to act with lots of dedication. We are fully committed to fulfil this responsibility.

Q: What kind of contribution can be made from your Ministry to implement “Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma” ?

A: As we all are aware, the people at the last Presidential Election gave a resounding mandate to implement “Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma”.

At this recently concluded General Election, the people further endorsed this mandate by giving 144 seats to the Government which is very close to a two third majority.

The people gave all these significant victories to turn the programs introduced by “Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma” into reality. The people have extended their fullest cooperation to achieve the targets which has aimed to uplift the living conditions of the people.

My Ministry has the ability to create a massive change within the construction industry by generating new employment and new income generation avenues. This Ministry can also take the responsibility to give the opportunities available in the construction industry sector to our local contractors without allowing them to go to foreign companies. The Mahinda Chinthana Idiri Dekma has also mentioned to go for a massive housing program. My Ministry will definitely try its level best to meet the targets.

Q: How do you plan to utilise the construction and engineering services sectors towards the Government’s development drive?

A: Several State institutions which carry out the Government’s construction work come under the purview of my Ministry. These institutions play a vital role in the state construction industry sector. These institutions function with a lot of difficulties due to the competitiveness in the market.

But we should appreciate the role played by these institutions even amidst various hardships.

I hope to handle these institutions in a manner which would help them to gain more share than they obtained at present. It would help to economically strengthen these institutions. Steps should also be taken to conduct construction work via these institutions to suit the accepted quality standards.

At present construction work on a large number of foreign funded projects are being carried out by foreign companies. Most of the time our local companies get only their sub contracts. But when agreements are reached with foreign lending agencies, countries like Malaysia have taken a policy decision that 50 percent share of the contract of that particular construction work should be given to their local contractors.

I also hope to make a change on the construction work on these foreign funded projects carried out here and give at least 40 percent of the share to our local contractors. I will discuss this matter with the President and submit my proposals to the Cabinet as well. My intention is to provide more opportunities to our local contractors who have engaged in the construction industry sector.

Q: What methodology will be followed by your Ministry to provide common amenities to the people in a more systematic manner?

A: Even though ‘common amenities’ has been incorporated into this Ministry, it doesn’t have any institutional structure to promote common amenities at present.

The structures adopted by the ministry on this subject have declined.

Therefore I hope to add this subject to the existing structure or formulate a new structure to promote common amenities.

At present various problems have arisen regarding the common amenities of the people who live in flats in urban areas. The Government has been systematically removed from the maintenance of these flats. I hope to provide a solution to uplift the facilities of the people who live in flats in urban areas.

Q: How do you view the decision taken by the President to reduce the number of ministers in his Cabinet?

A: I think it is very important to reduce the number to the present level. The people were anticipating that the President would take more favourable decisions on behalf of the country. The people appreciate the decision taken by the President to reduce his Cabinet. I hope the President will make some changes in the cabinet in November this year by considering the performance made by the relevant Ministers. It would facilitate to make more favourable changes within the country as expected by the people.

Q: One Minister has been given several subjects due to the reduction in the number of the Cabinet ministers. Do you think this is some sort of hindrance to the Ministers to perform their duties?

A: Most of the Ministers have not been given several subjects. Only a few of them have been assigned several subjects. Even earlier several subjects were under the purview of one particular Minister.

But they were able to achieve the targets of their respective Ministries. It never became a big issue for any of them.

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