DGM Little Lion Associates Pvt Ltd
S.M.D. Suriyakumara receives teh award from Addl Secy
Ministry of Health Dr P.G. Mahipalat |
Little Lion wins best bakery award
The presentation of the award ‘Best Bakery of the Year 2009-2010’
conducted by the Colombo municipality and Public Health Department was
held at the Colombo Hilton recently. Little Lion Associates (Pvt.) Ltd,
won the award.
The award was presented taking into consideration H-800 criteria of
food production such as standard of food safety, hygiene, environment,
quality of ingredients used, quality of food samples etc. Operative for
the last 30 years, Little Lion Associates (Pvt.) Ltd. produces a range
of cookies, baby rusks, cakes, biscuits and pastry products and caters
to the country through some 45,000 outlets. |